10 | day time trip

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Y/n grunted as the message displayed on her screen, leaning back in her seat. She took her big headphones off her head. "Stupid fucking game," she muttered to herself in English without realizing, exiting the level and going back in to try again.

"Did you loose again?"

She looked up at Kyung Jun. He rested his arm on the small windowsill, his head propped on his neck pillow as he looked down at her phone with his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah," Y/n said, pressing the side button to close her phone. "I hate this game."

"Yet you play it?"

"Not like there's anything else to do." Y/n crossed her arms. "Since you're ignoring me and all."

The bus was noisy as they spoke. There were people behind them playing Mafia, others just talking with each other. The sun was setting as they rode down the empty road.

"I was trying to sleep, but your game caught my eye," Kyung Jun said. "Want me to pass the level for you?"

Y/n shrugged. "Sure, if you can."

Kyung Jun took the phone and restarted the level. Y/n watched as he tapped the controls, quickly beating it. Y/n's jaw dropped. "What the fuck? How!?"

Kyung Jun sneered as he handed her the phone back. "You just suck."

"Yeah, yeah," Y/n waved him off and turned off her phone. "Oh, I forgot to ask you. Did you talk with your parents about that trip?"

"Yeah, they said it's fine. They trust your parents — us, not so much," Kyung Jun said.

Y/n chuckled. "Yeah, reasonable. But hey! You get to see my home! I'll take you around town and all my favorite places. I should probably do some shopping, too. I promised Yoon Seo I'm gonna get her something next time I go. I'm so exited!"

Kyung Jun chuckled. "Yeah, same. I wanna go to that cafe you always send me those cakes from."

"Oh, that's first one the list, don't worry." Y/n nodded. "Just, uh, my grandma— she'll feed you a lot. And she might not understand you, English isn't her best forte. But she means well, I promise. I'll translate if I have to."

"Don't worry, we'll manage," Kyung Jun said and took her hand. "Bet by the end of the trip she'll like me more than you."

"Hey! I don't want you to steal my grandma!" Y/n protested. She frowned. "Maybe I should tell my parents yours said no."

"Hey! Don't sabotage my trip to see granny now!"

Y/n chuckled and leaned back in her seat. "Fine, fine. I'll just have to win her back."

Comfortable silence fell between the two. Y/n's stomach started to hurt, though she wasn't sure if it was because she'd started her period or because she was hungry. She desperately hoped it was the latter.

Y/n noticed Yoon Seo abruptly get up from her seat and stand in the isle, looking around.

Straightening up, Y/n called out to her. "Yoon Seo? Are you okay?"

Yoon Seo's wide eyes fell on her. Y/n squeezed Kyung Jun's hand, an unsettling feeling forming in her stomach.

"Yoon Seo?"

bully | go kyung-jun x fem!reader ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ