Ignored ~ Jake🥀

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The group hurriedly left the dorm, nearing late to the dance practice, by two minutes, they were on time. "Cutting it close," was all their dance instructor said before they began the practice. The 3-hour-long dancing went well and exhausted the entire group. "Hey, Jake, can you hang back for a few minutes?" the instructor asked as the rest of the group turned, Jake agreed as the rest of the group bid their goodbyes. After the door shut, the instructor's demeanor changed, it went from friendly and willing to help, to evil and threatening. "Look, I don't like you, for my reasons, how about we stay after and you do some extra work on that shit dancing?" the instructor said, venom in his voice. 

Nothing more was said, Jake did as he was told, out of fear for his safety, and his job. It took nearly 3 hours before he was released to back to the dorms. Jake sluggishly walked down the hall to the dorms. Exhausted, Jake knocked on the door, in hopes of someone letting him in soon. Jake was met with the neutral face of Heeseung. "Hi Hyung," was all Jake said before walking to his room, flopping onto his bed, and then falling asleep quickly after. The next morning, he woke up to the sound of silence, and no presence in the room. Jake looked around puzzled before it clicked, "It's Saturday... we're off today..." Jake smiled as he sat up. 

Jake entered the kitchen, most conversations ending as the members fell silent. "Good morning," Jake said, approaching Heeseung. The older said nothing as he left the kitchen. "I guess he's just having a bad morning..." the Australian thought as he looked around the room. Rather quickly, most of the members began to shuffle out of the room and dispersed elsewhere. Jake frowned as he thought, "What's up with them?"  

Jake decided to shrug it off for now and watched his phone in the living room, leaving his appetite in the kitchen. Jake awoke later,  unsure of the time. He rubbed his eyes before looking out the window, seeing the sunset. "Did I fall asleep?" Jake mumbled before checking the time on his phone. "6 PM?!" Jake said aloud. He went to charge his almost dead phone and try to do something productive. As he entered his shared room, he found Heeseung playing some kind of puzzle game on his phone. "Hey Hyung? Did I fall asleep? And where is everyone?" he asked, looking at the older. Heeseung didn't even spare him a glance as he ignored the other. 

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Jake asked, walking over to the Heeseung's bed. Not a word was said as he was once again disregarded. "Are you ignoring me?" Jake asked as Heeseung simply rolled over. Jake frowned and let out a sad sigh. "Ok then..." was all Jake could say before he left the room. He walked down the hallway, quickly finding Sunoo and Sunghoon's shared room. The door was opened by Sunoo, his smile faltering quickly. "What?" Sunoo said, coldly. "Uh, I was just coming to say hi to Sunghoon, Heeseung is ignoring me and I don't know why," Jake admitted. Sunoo's expression was filled with conflicted emotions, one being guilt and the other being unsure. The blonde didn't say another word and simply shut the door. 

Jake stood there, stunned, "Are they ignoring me?" Jake whispered to himself. He looked around the empty hallway, sighed, and went back to his room to retrieve a few items. He walked in, Heeseung still turned away from him. He grabbed his phone, shoes, and a water bottle, then walked out, and without another word, he left for the dance room, "At least it'll give me something to distract myself," Jake whispered sadly to himself as he plugged his phone into the speaker. 

Jake was there for about an hour and a half before anyone walked in, it was their instructor. Jake froze and made eye contact with the man. The instructor gave an evil grin as Jake stopped and grabbed his phone, soon to flee the area. "I had the feeling you would be here," he said as the Australian tried to brush him off. Just as Jake was about to leave the room, he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. "Your members are so easily fooled," "What do you mean?" Jake said, pushing his hand off and staring at the instructor. "They believe ridiculous lies, I told them things about you and they believed me!" the man said, laughing, almost psychotically. The dots began connecting to Jake, "You are sick," were the last words of their conversation before he rushed off to the dorms. He quickly unlocked the door to find the members sitting together on the couch.

All eyes turned to him as their happy expressions faded. "Alright, what the fuck did the dance instructor tell you guys?!" Jake said, frustration lacing his voice. The member's expressions became shocked as they seemed in thought. "Well, um..." Sunoo whispered, trying to find where to start. "He said you yelled at him, threatened to fire him, and said you hated us," Ni-ki said, ripping the bandaid. "Why the actual fuck would you believe that?" Jake said, crossing his arms sassily. The members stopped, obviously embarrassed. "You guys really ignored me because our dance instructor said that I said stuff that I would never say?" Jake asked, eyeing the members. 

"Yeah... why did we believe him?" Heeseung said, looking at the others. Most shrugged, and some began thinking. Heeseung stood up and walked to Jake, "I'm so sorry Jake," he said looking at the other. "It's fine Hyung, that just seemed like a stupid reason to ignore me," Jake said looking at him. "I knowwwww," Heeseung said, dragging out the "oh" sound. The two hugged and the group stopped ignoring him, and Sunoo apologized. After that, the members were a lot more skeptical of their dance instructor.

HELLOOOOOOO!!! I AM BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER!! My motivation came back after I binge-read fics for too many hours- Last night I started at 8 PM and at 2 AM I realized I had been reading fics (one of them had 5-hour read time) since that time and felt slightly disappointed in myself- But it brought back my writing motivation :DD. Hope you like this! Have a great day/night!


1067 words

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