XLIII. The End of the Road

Start from the beginning

"There's no point, 'cause we'd come after you and get them back," Madeleine asserts, closing the distance between them. "You're limping, the clip is empty, and you look stupid, so..."

Amidst their confrontation, the noise of growling and ripping catches their attention. A walker emerges from a nearby tent. Without hesitation, Madeleine shoves the boy aside and quickly dispatches the walker. In the chaos, Daryl seizes the opportunity, retrieves the crossbow, and aims it at the boy, who raises his hands defensively.

"If I were you, I'd or limp away as fast as I can," Madeleine advises, pointing her sword at his neck. "If I see you again, I'll take care of you for good."

The boy scrambles to his feet and limps away hurriedly, clutching to the gun. Madeleine sighs in annoyance, sheathing her sword as she turns to Daryl, her expression a mix of irritation and relief.

"That rifle had a full clip, I thought he'd buy it and would leave it behind!" she complains, turning to face Daryl, who raises an eyebrow in response to her words.

"He could've shot you!" Daryl argues back, his annoyance evident at her impulsiveness and tendency to test people's intentions.

"He wouldn't. He looked like it was his first time holding a gun," she points out, preempting his counterargument. Before he can respond, she jabs a finger in his direction. "Look, I don't want you to die. I don't want Beth to die. I don't want anybody at the church to die, but I can't stand around and watch it happen either. We've lost enough," she states firmly, the weight of their losses evident in her words.

Her declaration elicits a small smile from Daryl. "Why are you smiling?" she questions, rolling her eyes in response to his unexpected reaction.

"'Cause once upon a time, you didn't care about anyone dying but Carl."

"Things have changed," she responds, averting her gaze. "It used to be easier not to care about anyone but one person. But I wouldn't let myself go back to the person I was back then. I was harsh and cold."

Daryl gently places a hand on her cheek, coaxing her to look back at him. "You were just trying to protect yourself. You'd done it for years... you just needed time," he reassures her, his voice holding a comforting tone. "All right, let's get this done," Daryl suggests, indicating their shared resolve to address the situation at hand.

Madeleine and Daryl share a nod before their sprint quickens, legs pounding against the rough terrain as they race through the desolate car park. Their breaths sync, a rapid rhythm punctuating the tense air around them. Daryl rushes toward a door, his muscles straining as he struggles to force it open. Madeleine, standing beside him, observes his efforts with a raised eyebrow, then calmly reaches out and twists the knob, effortlessly swinging the door open.

With a muttered acknowledgment from Daryl, they both dart inside, the sound of their hurried steps echoing through the narrow corridor. Amidst the urgency, a book slips from Daryl's bag, thudding against the floor. Madeleine catches sight of it and glances up at Daryl, who retrieves it quickly, stowing it back into his bag with a slight frown.

Seeing his expression, Madeleine offers a reassuring smile, seeking to ease the tension hovering between them. "It's okay," she assures him, trying to alleviate any concern he might have about the book.

Their breaths finally begin to steady as they traverse the dimly lit corridor, the faint echoes of their footsteps resounding through the narrow passageway. The gravity of the situation hangs heavy in the air, adding an unspoken layer of apprehension to their already intense journey.


The couple advances along the highway, the distinctive ambulance with its cross insignia looms larger on the horizon. An undercurrent of tension fills the air, evident in their cautious steps and heightened alertness. Each footfall toward the vehicle seems to echo with a mixture of anticipation and wariness.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now