Schemes and Screams (Part 2/5)

Start from the beginning

As he reached the end of the tunnel, he turned to the side and saw it, an exit. 

But there was one problem, the bars were still on the vent. Orange ran straight up to the edge of the vent and turned around as he realized he would have no time to get the bars off.

P!Purple stopped as it found him in the corner. It screeched again, causing the small reptilian to flinch and cower before him. 

It stretched its mouth wide and flung his clawed hands towards him, about to drag him into the depths of the darkness where it could bite him in half.

But instead, the little Orange monster somehow ducked underneath its arms, despite being in the small vent. The purple creature's arms went flying straight into the bars behind him, and accidentally sent it flying off its hinges.

Orange turned around, realizing this, and without hesitation, crawled out the exit as quickly as he could.

 P!Purple raced to the edge of the vent, swiping at the smaller monster with its long clawed hands.

Orange raced to the other side of the room. He had crawled out of a particularly conveniently placed vent inside of the shower room.

He scrambled to the back of the showers, pressing himself against the opposite wall as he waited to see if P!Purple would follow him out.

Lucky for him, P!Purple did not leave the vent, but rather stayed there for a little bit with his arms sticking out, swiping and screeching, before he finally left the entrance of the vent.

Orange sagged onto the floor, taking a minute to breath and process what had just happened. After a moment of simply breathing raggedly, he froze. 

His talons went to his head as he gripped it with fear.

He must have woken up while the hunt was still in progress. His friends must still be in their Predator forms and he was locked out of his lair. 

This was bad, this was very, very bad. If he couldn't turn back into his own Predator form, then he probably wouldn't even survive the night.

He couldn't help it when he felt a tear slide down his cheek. He shouldn't have trapped himself into his own lair. He shouldn't have resisted his urges. He shouldn't have crawled into the vents without checking to make sure that Purple was or wasn't there.

He sat there in the corner, breathing heavily and slightly crying to himself, when he heard footsteps. He began to shake as he imagined who it could be. 

Maybe it was Blue, who would squeeze him tightly and then bite his head off.

Or Green, who would wrap Orange up in his long arms and slam his head into the wall until his brains spilled out, then eat his limbs off, one by one.

He huddled in the corner shaking, when the door flung open. 

A figure ran inside, seeming rushed, and hid behind the pile of boxes in the room. It was small, smaller than even Orange. Definitely not a Rainbow Friend.

That's when Orange noticed the loud thumping outside, which must have been Blue.

He stayed silent as the figure continued to hide, unaware of Orange's presence in the same room.

He brushed the tears out of his eyes and realized that it was human. It must have been an intruder. Orange had never met an intruder while he wasn't in his Predator form.

He didn't quite know how to react, and wondered if he should be scared of it? Could it even harm him? He wasn't sure yet.

He didn't say anything, not even expecting the human to understand him even if he did. He just waited and prayed that the intruder wouldn't find him in the corner, crying to himself.

But it was just his luck that the intruder decided they needed a better place to hide, and after checking the vent on the wall, turned to hide in the showers around the corner.

That's when they saw Orange, sitting against the wall. Orange stiffened, and then stood up. He knew that normally, a human couldn't do anything to hurt him, but that was when he was in his Predator form.

They stood there, staring at each other for a couple heartbeats, their eyes locked onto each other in fear, before the human let out a cry and whipped around, running away from Orange.

Orange let out a sigh of relief as he heard the door open again, then slam shut as the human continued to let out scared human noises. 

Orange let his muscles relax as he took a deep breath. He felt a little bit better now that he knew he might be safe for a while, possibly for the rest of the entire hunt.

But then he heard something that would have made him pale if he weren't a monster who was entirely dependent on his bright color.

A high-pitched, blood-curdling scream echoes from right outside the door. 

A weird buzzing and growling sound followed. The scream continued on for a couple seconds, along with some cracking and ripping noises before the scream abruptly cut off.

Orange put his talons over his muzzle (Mouth? I don't know anymore...) and huddled back into the corner, willing himself to not make a sound. 

He recognized those sounds from his hunts along with the other Rainbow Friends, but he had never heard them in that way before.

Before, they had been simply pleasurable, giving him enjoyment to listen to as he ripped them apart. 

But now, he could clearly hear the fear, emotion, and terror in the screams. He could hear the desperation in the pleas for help, he could almost imagine what it had looked like from the noises that he heard afterward.

It almost made him nauseous. It would have been if he hadn't eaten those humans so many times before. But he did get an unsettling chill down his spine as the thumping grew further away.

All Orange could hear for a while was distant thumping and squeaking, along with occasional screams, that either lasted for an unsettling amount of time or were cut off just as abruptly as the first one.

Orange spent some time in the bathroom showers. He wasn't sure how much time, but it couldn't have been too long, because he heard the alarm go off again. It was his time to exit the cave. But he couldn't.

All he could do was wait and hope his friends didn't kill him.

He began to sob, finally realizing just how much he had screwed up. Just how much danger he was in. 

He began to realize that he may not survive even the next hour, and all because he thought he could do something right for once.

They had been right. Red was right, he would never be as good as the other Rainbow Friends. He would always be the smallest, weakest, the most useless one.

He was so busy sobbing that he didn't notice the thumping as something big and blue entered the bathroom.


Well reader, there you go, sorry about the delay for this one.

And as this chapter concludes, we have one reached a total of 15,000 words. Thank you for reading my story once again, I truly appreciate it.

Next Chapter: Schemes and Screams (Part 3/5)

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