Chapter 5 - Another close call

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You knew you didn't have much time. They were right on your heels, and didn't seem like they would give up any time soon.

"Those fuckers never rest huh?!" You swear in your head as you quickly pay for you clothes.

"Let's hope this will buy me some time." You sighed. "I'll put the hoodie in if they see me here, so they will look for the description for what I'm wearing..."

You the proceed to leave through the back exit and walk around the shopping mall.

After walking around you head to the 2nd floor so you'd have a birds eye view of most of the mall, and there they were...

The task force.

A shiver went down your spine, "Their fast... too fast..."

Ghost looked around, and Price spoke, "Ghost, Soap, you take the 2nd floor. Alejandro and Rodolfo take the 3rd."

"Affirmative," Ghost answered. "Copy that captain," Soap said as he and Ghost walked towards the stairs.

Alejandro looked at Rodolfo and they ran to the 3rd floor. "Let's make sure we catch this little vermin."

Rodolfo nodded, "Yeah, before she escapes, again."

Alejandro chuckled, "Don't worry, I doubt she will get away this time."

"Why's that?" Rodolfo asked.

"Well for one Roach keeps us updated on her location, and Ghost is still pissed off that she managed to sneak out from under his nose." He laughed.

"Ah, so his ego was crushed a little by the 18 year old?" Rodolfo chuckled.

"Seems so," Alejandro laughed and then they heard their radio.

Ghost spoke, "next time you talk shite about someone, make sure you comms are turned off."

Alejandro chuckled, "We were just joking hermano, but seriously, don't let that kid get under your skin."

Ghost grumbled, "Let's just catch that twat. Ghost over and out."

Soap chuckled. "You too Johnny?" Ghost asked and looked at Soap.

"No no, it's just, their right, don't let her get under ya skin so much." Soap said and put his hand on Ghosts shoulder.

Ghost sighed, "I just want that brat behind bars. She leaked some serious info to some dangerous people. It can potentially cost us all of our upcoming missions."

Soap sighed and nodded, "We will catch her, I promise."

Ghost looked at Soap and nodded, "Alright, let's keep moving."

"Hooollyyyyy shite-" you think to yourself.

You break out in nervous sweat and open your laptop again, again the Roach logo. "I swear I'll shove Rat's laptop up his-"

"THERE SHE IS!" one of the task force members yells.

You jump up in fear and just make a run for it not yet realising you left your laptop.

You ran and ran until you dashed to a store, quickly put on the hoodie and tried to walk out through another exit as sneaky as possible.

"Wait- shit, I left my laptop, no no no-" you thought and kept walking off.

"I can't risk getting it back. Or can I?" You thought and looped back around.

"Fuck it, I need that thing if I wanna survive in general." Sighing as you were debating what to do.

You looked behind you, seeing if they were still on your ass. Luckily not.

You ducked into a nearby store, heart pounding against your chest. The hoodie provided some cover, but the dread of leaving your laptop behind, no no, you had to get your precious laptop back.

As you peered cautiously from the store's entrance, your eyes locked onto your laptop, guarded by Soap. "Well, well, well," you muttered to yourself, taking a moment to assess the situation. 

Soap was focused, his attention fixated on scanning the area for any sign of movement. A glimmer of an idea sparked in your mind, a risky but potentially rewarding plan forming.

You dug into your backpack, fishing out a small device you'd rigged up a while back, a small alarm box. 

You activated the device, causing a loud, high-pitched beep to emanate from a different corner of the floor. Soap's head snapped towards the noise, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon.

"Now's my chance," you whispered to yourself, adrenaline fueling your actions. With a deep breath, you slinked out of the store, hugging the walls, and stealthily making your way closer to your laptop. 

Soap was momentarily distracted, scanning the area where the noise had originated.

You edged closer, heart thundering in your ears with each step. The laptop was within arm's reach when Soap's voice cut through the air. "Who's there?" he barked, whipping around to face your direction.

You lunged forward, grabbing your laptop before Soap's grip clamped down on it. Each of you pulling with all your might. "Let go!" you hissed, eyes widening as you realized the commotion could attract the other task force member's (Ghost) attention.

Soap's gaze narrowed behind his mask, determination etched into his features. "Not a chance, kid," he said straining against your resistance.

In a split second decision, you released your grip, stumbling backward. Soap staggered slightly, thrown off balance. 

You took the opportunity, you jumped towards your laptop and snatched it out of his hands. You then made a run for it into the crowd, escaping yet again.

As you dashed, you heard Soap's frustrated voice fading behind you. "Get back here!"

Breathless and heart pounding, you ducked into a secluded corner, the laptop now safely in your possession. Fingers trembling, you quickly checked for any damage. But everything seemed okay. "Thank god, my baby is in one piece," you whispered.

Taking a moment to catch your breath, you peered around, making sure the coast was clear. Not seeing them both you let out a long and heavy sigh. "If I ever get out of this shit I'm never gonna hack again, and I'm moving far far away!"

With a sigh of relief, you tucked the laptop securely into your backpack and blended into the crowd of shoppers.

Thank you so much for reading Chapter 5!!! If you enjoyed it please make sure to vote!^^

Have a great day!!

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