Chapter 4 - On The Run

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After your encounter with the other hacker you nicknamed Rat, you decided to be more careful when it came to your hacking and online footprint.

I mean, you did just get hacked yesterday. But you just brushed it off as a troller. Some hacker who likes scaring people but is too pussy to do anything harmful.

You sat on the couch in the hotel room where you were currently "living". You were on your phone while also kinda watching TV.

You then hear something about how cybercrime has gone up a lot and that the police and the army are doing everything they can to stop these people.

"Heh, yeah right. They can't even catch an 18-year-old, what makes them think they can catch those who have been doing this for years? I mean, sure pop off or whatever, as long as they just don't catch me." You shrugged and looked back at your phone.

A few minutes pass and you hear the hotel room phone go off. "ugh, what now?"

You picked up and said, "Hello? Something the matter?"

The lady from the front desk spoke a bit... shaky and nervous. Weird...

"Y-yes, uhm, you have some visitors," she said.

"uhm, I'm not expecting any-" You then looked at the TV and something in your brain just clicked. "I uhm, will do down shortly, give me 5 minutes please," you said and hung up.

"HOLY FUUUCKKKK," you said. "Don't tell me the fucking police are here?!" You thought.

You then walked to the window and peeked out. You saw no Police cars, but you did see army trucks. "Oh, Jesus I gotta go asap!!!"

You flew around the room to get your shit and leave. You grabbed your bag and left. You hesitated but left an anonymous message to Melvin, Adam, and Carl telling them to not go look for you since the army was right on your ass. You then deleted the message on your end and blocked their numbers.

You grabbed your phone and turned the location off. then you hacked into the cameras of the hotel and saw that all exits were guarded by... "HOLY SHIT THE SPECIAL FORCES????" You said absolutely shocked.

"Okay the info we stole, hacked into, and sold must be like crazy important- FUCK WHY DID I START THIS SHIT!? I COULD HAVE MADE MORE MONEY SELLING FEET PICKS!" You thought hating that you now had to own up to what you did. Or did you?

"Nuh uh if they want to punish me they can try to find me, I ain't making it easy on them!" You said and went to the fire exit which led to the roof.

"I seriously jinxed myself," you sighed as you avoided the cameras and made it to the roof. As you made it there you looked at the side of the building, you saw a few people down there but it might be your safest option down that ladder. Or... we going Assassins Creed style. >:)

You looked at the balcony and started to doubt your abilities. "Fuck it, go big or go home and I no longer have a home so might as well go big!"

You jumped down and landed not so gracefully on the balcony. The people from the army seemed to hear something and looked up. You kept laying on your stomach to not be seen.

After a while, you peak and see that their back are facing you again and you carefully lower yourself down the balcony trying to find the railing of the one below you.

As you found if you lowered yourself further and dropped down. This time more softly and less loud. You stared at the army/task force people seeing if they'd turn around, but nothing. Phew...

You continue this a few times before you land on the ground and stay low, "That went more smooth than I thought holy shit- I definitely expected to drop down a few stories, heh, ehhh-" you thought.

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