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Welcome to my not-so-normal life . As you all know I'm the popular girl in everyone's class . Who many of girls hate but what can I do its not my fault....
Whatever . Its been a week since I have joined this school and honestly its not that bad to be one of the popular girl like you get all the attention and everyone likes you just for who you are , I know many pretends to be someone else to get the attention but I believe in " be yourself "
Enough about me , lets start the day with a coffee ' because coffee is life '

Scarlett pov :
I was drinking my coffee in a peaceful environment when my little sister decides to interrupt me " I'm really exited to start my dayyy " " yes I get it girl you have been saying this from the morning " sophia giggles and start eating her breakfast when I take a piece of her favorite cheese sandwiches and took a bite from it . " hey don't take my sandwich make one for yourself if you want " " ok my baby girl now eat fast or I will leave you here " I take my bag and walk towards my car .  Don't get me wrong I love my little sis its just the way we show our love to each other by bickering .

" bye sis " sophia said as she walks towards her class and I starts to look for mine . " Hey Scarlett " said my best friend from behind " Good morning  Tiana " I said hugging her as everyone are looking at us , as i said I'm one of the popular girl in the school so everyone's attention was on me and on the other hand my best friend is a topper of the class . Sometimes I wonder how are we best friend like we are so opposite of each other but I guess its true opposite attract each other , anyway I love her and I know she also loves me a lot .

" So are you ready for the test ? " she asked looking at me " TEST ??! We have a test today ? " " Yes in first period , I knew that you were going to forget it thats why I messaged you last night to remind you " " Shit I forget to check my phone " " proud of you my girl , now what are you going to do " " Maybe bunk the class " I said while grinning " are you mad ? Do whatever you want but I'm not going to join you in your stupid plan " " Please babe you know you are all that I have , just make sure that mam don't get to know about it . Ok ? Love you babe bye " I said while running " this girl " Tiana sighs .

There was an abandoned class in our school where no one comes so it was a safe place for me to hide whenever I want to , so I always go there when I want to bunk any class and it became a special place for me where no one can find me , there's only me and silence but this time it was not only me in that room someone was also there , a boy , who was looking at me with a book in his hand.

I starts walking towards him and getting a closer look and oh my god he looks really good like really , he has this mesmerizing blue eyes and his dirty blond hair . He is also really tall I guess 6'2 feet and here I am 5'2 looking so small infront of me " Hi! I'm Scarlett " I said waving my hand . " I know " he said casually . Ohh his voice is so soothing , ahm! ' Calm down girl ' I said to myself .
" And you are ? " I asked him " Find out yourself " he said with a smirk on his lips and starts walking towards door . " Atleast tell me your class " " same as you " after taking a last glance at me , he left .

I guess I fell in love
' love at first sight ' ......

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