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I'll try to make it longer


I feel so lucky that I have found someone who were perfect to me but that was I thought...

You could have said it to me so it will be easy for me to let you go...but for your happiness and freedom I will do everything even it hurts...

I was walking on the hallway on Akk apartment holding the food that I cook and I see the door was open, I was about to enter and I heard Khan voice

"Bro! Are being serious!. You literally hurting him not physically but mentally!" Khan shouted, I got curious so I listened to their conversation "I know! but...I can't say no to him I can see that he's inlove with me...and I pity him I can't just reject his proposal to me being his boyfriend" Akk said with full of sadness and guilt...are they talking to me..."Akk, I've known Ayan-" "you don't understand ok....you don't understand" Akk cut Thua said while shouted

After hearing their conversation my world suddenly crushed down...


The trio suddenly look at the door and see Ayan just enter holding a food

"...did I bother something?"Ayan asked and feeling little tension all over the room Akk wipe his tears an stand up and go to Ayan "nothing, what's this?"Akk asked trying to make everything to look Nothing ever happened "I cook your favorite food" Ayan said while smiling, Akk smiled at Ayan smile. This is the other reason why he can't reject Ayan, his smile, he can't take that smile dissappear...

All of them eat the food that Ayan bought

After that Ayan barrow Akk and both travel all over the Bangkok and it was a wonderful experience for both of them

And ended on the beach, the beach they spent when they were in the Suppalo school


Both lay down on the sand and keep listening the waves, Ayan put his arms around Akk waist and put his head on Akk chest listening to his heartbeat "You know this is the best day and night to me"Akk said while caressing Ayan hair, Ayan just hum as an answer

Akk close his eye and any moment he fell Ayan Arms stop hugging him and he felt kiss on his forehead...

After the kiss on his forehead he open his eyes knowingly that he fall asleep for a moment, he look to his side and didn't see Ayan so sit up and he travel his eye on the beach but there's no Ayan, he's about to stand up but he saw a piece of paper on his side he open it

Inside the letter

You're Free

Akk tears suddenly fall to his cheek and hug the letter and keep mumbling sorry

4 years later

Knock knock*

A girl rushed to the door and see Ayan standing outside the house holding a food

"Sawatdee khub, I'm Ayan I'm you're neighbor 2nd door right at you're house" Ayan said cheerfully "Thank you come in, I'm Milk and I'm the only one here" Milk said while guide Ayan to the living room "oh my! What a cute child, what his name?"Ayan asked "my name is Aye" the boy introduced and Milk chuckled "oh! That was my nickname so cute, where is the father?"Ayan asked the mother "oh he was at work but Don't he will be at home any moment" Milk said and sit beside Ayan "where is your family picture?"Ayan asked "it's inside the room wait" Milk stand up and grab the family picture and give it to Ayan, after seeing the picture Ayan smile suddenly drop and suddenly the door open and his eye fall to the tall figure man that he left for his freedom

Both eyes was shocked and full of guilt and sadness

"Oh! Honey you're back, this is Ayan our neighbor"Milk introduce "and Ayan this is my husband Akk ^^"Milk introduce and the silence spread the room but any moment Ayan bow "Sawatdee khub nice to meet you Akk" Akk suddenly fell pain on his heart, Ayan always calls him Bigfoot but today his name

"I'm really sorry P'Milk I need to go I have something to do"Ayan said and walk past to them and not making eye contact on Akk eyes

Ayan about to open his door at his house when someone called him "Aye..."Akk called Ayan look at him "I'm sorry...if I knew-" "it's okay, live you're life and let's be stranger for the better" Ayan said and look away trying to hide his tear "...ok...then goodbye my shortstop..."Akk said goodbye star to walk away and Ayan enter his house and close the door, he slide down on the door and cry all the pain

I don't care if it hurts, I don't care if im the one will be get hurt at the end all I care you're happiness...I'm sorry I took your freedom because you pity me, and even I try to be selfish...I can't because I love you...I'm sorry and goodbye STRANGER


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