56. Viral Infection

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Today is the final day of the battles for The Voice. It means that I will be choosing my top four. I'm nervous for the decision because every single person in my team deserves a spot in the live shows. Unfortunately I only have room for four though. 

I sit in the hair and makeup chair with my robe on, waiting for the team to begin making me look beautiful. I sip on my coffee which I am definitely in need of. My phone beeps and I see that it is a text from my Mum. She is telling me that she is alright and has made no progress overnight. I'll take that as a positive because no progress is still better than her health declining. It looks like she will be in hospital for one more week, then she will be released and allowed to rest at home. 

Harry and I got caught up with meeting with London's teacher and principal yesterday, then after that we got into contact with some private schools in London. Her current school is able to transfer all of her progress so far and since she is doing well in school, this will help her get accepted into one of the best private schools in the area. 

Since we were so caught up in school-related things, I didn't get a chance to visit my Mum. I still haven't informed my family of my decision. I am dreading it. How am I going to tell them that I am moving across the world again? It was hard enough the first time. I know I was only 17 years old and I have matured a lot since then. But it certainly doesn't make things any easier. 

After having my hair and makeup done, Charlotte who is the loveliest stylist I have ever met, helps me into my outfit. Today I am wearing a long red dress with a deep v-cut in the chest area. My hair is lightly curled with a lot of product in it, giving me the wet-look as though I have just stepped out of the ocean. I really like todays look and the colour red always makes me feel extra confident. It is a sexy colour and looks amazing on everyone. 

"Your shoes." Charlotte hands me two gold sparkly heels. 

I stare down at them for a moment before looking up to meet Charlotte's gaze. "Can't I just wear flats since you won't even see them beneath the dress?"

"When you do the first walk down the stairs and pull up the dress, you'll see the shoes then. These are from the sponsors new collection so they'll see you wearing them and be very pleased."

I nod my head, understanding that this was part of my contract. Sometimes I will wear a clothing item or an accessory that is part of a brand deal. Usually brands need to have my managements approval, but it was clearly written in my contract that the shows sponsors are completely different and do not need to be granted permission from my managers. 

Last episode I wore a Chanel lipstick which earned the show a few thousand dollars in promo. The words 'Chanel' weren't written on my lips, but in the credits at the end of the show, my makeup products were listed. I don't know of anyone who actually reads those credits at the end, but people still will pay thousands just for a couple of promotional words. 

One of the crew members comes into my dressing room and informs me that the show will begin in 30 minutes. I take this time to go and visit my team in the greenroom. I bet they are all a bundle of nerves right now. 

"Hailey!" Aaliyah is the first to notice my presence and she stands up to give me a hug. "You look gorgeous."

"Thank you beautiful girl, so do you. Look, we are matching." I say, referring to her red co-ord. 

"Thomas, how are you feeling?" I hug Thomas who was sitting beside Aaliyah. His face is pale and I can see beads of sweat on his forehead. "You did amazing in rehearsals. Do it exactly how we practiced and you will blow the roof off the arena."

"My throat is scratchy and I am worried that I won't be able to hit those high notes."

I pull him aside and give him reassurance. We have all been there with throat issues and our voices being exhausted from overuse. This often is accompanied by vocal rest, honey tea and lots of steam inhaling. 

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