49. 6 Months Later

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A/N: There has been a time jump since the events in the previous chapter. 6 months has passed. We are seeing where Hailey and Harry are at in terms of their relationship, personal lives and family lives, 6 months on. 

Sydney and I are sitting on the lounge on the left-hand side of the room, whilst Harry is sitting on the lounge facing the television. We're currently watching 'Up' which was chosen by London who watched the first 10 minutes of the film before ditching us and heading upstairs to her room instead. 

I have my iPad on my lap and I'm going through my emails. I check my emails every second day for updates about work, but they still get flooded. Most of them aren't even for me, they address my children and collaboration offers. I may be bias, but I know how gorgeous my girls are. They would look adorable being models and wearing brands for clothes, but Harry is completely against it. As much as I would love to give them this opportunity, I respect Harry's opinions. 

A loud yawn escapes my lips which catches Harry's attention. "Big day of auditions?" He asks with a small smile playing on his lips. 

I nod my head while another yawn involuntarily appears. "Sorry." I place my hand over my mouth. "Yeah, another early start tomorrow. Final day of auditions."

"Think you've found the next superstar?" 

I shrug my shoulders. "You know that I legally can't tell you that."

"You legally couldn't tell me about the guy who sung my song and had my face on his t-shirt, yet you did."

"That I couldn't resist. Please don't tell anyone otherwise I will get sued and fired."

I previously mentioned work. About five months ago I was proposed with an offer to be a judge on the next season of The Voice Australia. The role was impossible to turn down. The crew have been so flexible with me and my schedule. They even pushed the audition process back one week so that I could attend London's end of term concert. I am enjoying being back in the public slightly and actually being able to work again. Even if I am not building my own career, I am so honoured to have the ability to help so many people build their own through their Voice journey.

Harry and I are still separated. While there have been some moments where we have almost slipped up and done something we shouldn't have, we were able to be mature adults and stop ourselves from making any mistakes. We have been co-parenting extremely well. It hasn't been easy, but both of us have learnt to keep our personal lives separate to our family lives. We are keeping our opinions of each other to ourselves and only commenting on things to do with the girls. 

I'm sure I do things that Harry doesn't agree with, but respectfully he does not comment. Meanwhile there are some things that I don't love that he does, yet I remain silent too. However, he often tells me that I don't need to speak because my facial expressions speak a thousand words. 

Alright, I'll tell you what it is. Harry is a great father and I have always said that. He is an incredible person with many great qualities. But one thing which pissed me off towards the end of our relationship and this habit has continued over the last six months. His drinking. 

Harry hasn't been himself pretty much since he stopped touring. He came to Australia to be with his family and I know how much he loves the girls, but he still isn't completely happy. He doesn't speak about it and it isn't my business anymore to pry. But in my opinion, Harry us using alcohol as a coping mechanism. He isn't happy and instead of doing something about it, he uses alcohol to numb his pain. 

Bringing myself back to reality, I continue scrolling through my long list of unopened emails. This one is for London specifically. Now I know that this girl was born to be in front of the camera. 

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