27. Surprise!

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"Alright Londy, do you remember the plan?"

London stops walking and so that she can straighten her suitcase that she was slowly dragging behind her. "Yes I do."

"What's the plan?" Gemma asks from behind, pushing Sydney in her pram since I'm on suitcase duty. Gemma picked us up from the airport and after getting a light snack from McDonald's because London was hungry, we came straight to the hotel that Harry is staying at.

"We be super dooper quiet. We go in the elevator all the way to Dad's level which is... I forget, was it 19 or 20?"


"Level 20 and room 1027. We tip toe up the hallway, not to make any sounds, and find his room. Mummy will put this sticky note thing over the look out thing in the door-"

"The peep hole?" Gemma asks, not completely sure of what thing London is describing.

"Yes the hole in the door that you look at people through. Mum will cover that and then I will knock at the door while you all wait to the side. When my dad answers the door, I will say "excuse me Mr Styles, I'm here for housekeeping duty."

Chuckling quietly to myself, I can't help but ask my daughter to repeat herself. "London, you sound so professional. Say it again."

"Excuse me Mr Styles, I'm here for housekeeping duty." She repeats her earlier line. I am blown away by this little girls drama skills. She nailed it. Now hopefully our little plan will pay off.

"Mitch said Harry was still in his room 30 minutes ago. He hasn't replied to my recent text so hopefully he's still in there."

We walk to the elevator and London sprints over to the wall so that she can press the up arrow button. We catch the elevator from the underground carpark, to level 20.

"Ready everyone?" I ask in a hushed tone as we exit the elevator. I point to the sign that is telling us that rooms 1000-1030 are to the left.

"Oh god, I'm nervous." I hear Gemma laughing and I turn around with my finger over my lips because her laughter is echoing through the hallway.

"Aunt Gemma, silence!" London whisper yells.

"Sorry." Gemma apologises, only to be hushed by London again. London leads the way, insisting that because she is the main character in this role play surprise, she must be in front at all times.

"Londy" I quietly call out to her to get her attention because she walked past Harry's room number. London laughs and slaps her forehead, mouthing silly me. She ushers me away, forgetting that it is my job to put the sticky note over the peephole.

I grab it out of my handbag and wave it in front of her face. London parts her lips and her eyes widen once the moment of realisation hits her. I place the note over the peephole and press down on it to ensure that it is secured.

London ushers me away and I push the suitcases to the right of the door, while moving over to the left where Gemma and Sydney are.

My dramatic daughter holds her fingers up and gives herself a countdown. 3, 2, 1 she places one finger down each time. London knocks on the door three times and waits with her hands behind her back. Nobody answers the door, so she knocks again.

"Say it" I whisper to her.

"Excuse me Mr Styles, I'm here for housekeeping duty" London says her lines perfectly once again with the perfect pitch, volume and tone. We hear fast footsteps from the other side of the door, as if the person is running.

The door swings open, revealing Harry with a towel around his waist. His hair is damp and I'm guessing that he has just come out of the shower.

"What the?" He asks as he stares down at London in disbelief. Then his gaze wonders over to Sydney, Gemma and I. He bends down and picks up London, spinning her around while holding her tightly in his arms. "Oh my goodness, what are you guys doing here?" He stops spinning and plants kisses all over her face. "I missed you so much, I could just eat you up. Look how beautiful you look."

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