6. Belly Fat

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I hold the white mini dress up against my body and stare at it in the full-length mirror in front of me. A small smile makes its way onto my face as I remember how often I used to wear this dress before having kids. I might have been able to slip into it after having London, but I definitely couldn't wear it now. That dress is skin tight and shows off every curve of your body. I have too many rolls now, the dress would look unflattering against my stomach.

I let out a sigh and place it back inside my wardrobe.

"Why won't you wear that one? I love that dress on you." Harry's voice says from the doorway and I get a little startled because I didn't know he was in our room.

"Maybe one day. Not anytime soon though."

"Why?" He asks as he takes a seat on the bed and stares at me. He is already dressed and he looks remarkable as usual. He is dressed in cream pants and an off-white shirt. The shirt hangs loosely on the upper-half of his body, revealing his swallow tattoos.

"Because my belly is way too fat for this dress now. That dress would look disgusting on me."

"It would not look disgusting on you. That belly carried my two girls until they came into this world. So I'll cherish that belly no matter what." He stands up and walks over to me. He places his hands on my hips and I feel self conscious beneath his touch as his hands rest directly on top of my love handles. "You are so beautiful Hailey. I fall more in love with you every day. Don't think for a second that you aren't beautiful anymore because you have had children. I think you are more breathtaking because of it. To me, you will always be the prettiest girl in the room."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

He kisses my collarbone. "No I'm not. I'm merely speaking facts. I know the world can get caught up on physical beauty, and that my love, you are. Physically very beautiful. But that's not what made me fall in love with you. Your looks caught my eye, but it was what was in here and here that stole my heart." He points to my head and my chest, symbolising my head and my heart.

This man really is one with words.

"It breaks my heart seeing you so hard on yourself. Seeing the way that you look at yourself in the mirror with disgust. You used to look at the mirror and not be able to wipe the smile off of your face because you were beaming with confidence."

"That's because I used to love my body. I worked hard for it and now that's all gone."

"So build it back up again. I'll do it with you. We can start eating clean and training together."

I step out of his hold and walk over to the wardrobe where I pull out my white linen pants. I pair it with a light green off the shoulder shirt.

"You're not here long enough to be my training partner."

"I'm only a FaceTime call away. I'll call and check in every single day to make sure that you've got those 10k steps in or that 30 minute workout. All you need is 30 minutes. I know it's hard with the kids but take them to your Mums or do it while they're sleeping. London starts school in a couple of weeks. You'll have more time during the day then. You can go to your sisters gym and she can nap in the office with Aaron or Rachel while you workout."

He does have a point. Working out will be hard, but it is possible. Maybe I should start prioritising my health and fitness again instead of brushing it aside and blaming it on Mum life.

"Okay, I'll do it. We can do it." I turn around to face him and stare at his bronzed, toned body. "You already work out. You don't need to start."

"I do go to the gym often, but I could work on eating better though."

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