Step 1 Of Falling In Love With The Lee Minho

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Jisung entered the studio making eye contact with Seungmin.

"Thanks for coming over Jiji-" Seungmin smiled.

"No problem man-" Jisung smiled.

Seungmin led Jisung inside the room and gave him the lyrics.

"Just these lines." He said.

"Oh okay-" Jisung smiled pulling the headphones on.

Seungmin smiled walking out of the room.

"Ready?" Seungmin asked and Jisung gave him a thumbs up.

They recorded for a while and after that Jisung came outside and Seungmin smiled at him.

"Thanks Ji- Sorry for bothering you-" Seungmin said.

"Not at all man-" Jisung smiled.

"Hey Jisung..." Seungmin said.

"Hm?" Jisung said turning his way.

"Is there anything bothering you?" He asked.

"No-?" Jisung said confused clearly.

"Jisung...don't lie to it your brother again?" He asked.

Jisung's breath hitched. He sighed looking down and nodded.

"Wanna talk it through?" He asked.

Jisung nodded once again and Seungmin dragged him to the couch.

"Go on, I'm all ears-" Seungmin said.

"I hate Lee-know-it-all so much! Because of him I have to face my brother everyday! We have the worst relationship at home. My parents taunted me all the time because Minho hyung was so good at everything-! I hate my life..." Jisung cried.

He looked up to see Seungmin's reaction. He was shocked. "What-?" Jisung asked.

"You called him hyung Jisung-" Seungmin smiled softly.

"Fuck-" Jisung held his head. "I'm going crazy-" Jisung said leaning back.

Seungmin chuckled and patted his back. "Its okay~"

"I need rest...see you tomorrow-" Jisung said getting up.

"Bye bro-" Seungmin laughed as Jisung walked away.

Jisung huffed walking inside the dorm. He took off his shoes and walked inside.

"You're back baby?!" Minho yelled from the room.

"Don't fuck with me Lee-" Jisung glared.

"Aw baby~ Don't be mad~" Minho said throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"Who's your baby?" Jisung said clearly disgusted.

"You are~" Minho answered bopping his nose.

"Don't treat me like I'm five or something-" Jisung said pushing his hand.

"Well you act like one-" Minho smiled.

"Oh that cocky smile of yours I-" Jisung glared.

"-hate it so much I wanna punch off of you-Is that what you're tryna say?" Minho smiled.

"Glad you know. Mr-know-it-all." Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Face it Han, you love me-" Minho smiled.

"Face it Lee, in your dreams." Jisung said walking off to his room not even looking back.

"He's cute-" Minho chuckled.

"What an asshole-" Jisung said dropping dead on his bed. "At this rate I'll go crazy because of that idiot-"

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