I nodded with tears streaming in my eyes.

Explosions followed and the chaos in the mansion just grew louder and bigger.

Next thing I knew, I was forced to point a gun at my father's heart.

"Finally, we're home!" Jisung interjected behind me causing me to quickly open my eyes.

"Eigh-" I heard Mark call me but I did not bother to look anymore. I was tired already. Too much. It felt like everything was too much.

I stepped down from the van and rushed to my room.

Third Person's Point of View

"What's wrong with her?" Jisung asked, his eyebrows meeting. The rest of the members were confused too.

Mark moved his gaze to the members and saw Jeno with an unusual expression rather than his usual poker face.

Was that guilt I just saw?

Mark thought.

"Head to your rooms. We have work tomorrow at Skale." Jeno announced. The members reacted differently. Some where whining, some were starting to get used to it.

"I'll check on Eight." Mark stated as he walked towards the door.

"No." Mark halted. "Let me." Jeno said.

"It's okay, Jeno. I'll do it. You deserve to rest." Mark gently smiled, patting Jeno by his shoulder.

"I will check on Eight and you will proceed to your room. It's a command." Jeno firmly replied.

Mark, though confused, nodded his head in defeat and went straight to his room. Jeno, on the other hand, felt guilty for pouring his anger on Eight a while ago.

Jeno quietly made his way to Eight's room and gently knocked on the door. "Eight." He called.

Eight was in the process of removing her jewelries when she heard Jeno's call. She did not want to open the door at all but she knew she had to. She's under Jeno after all.

Eight wore a blank expression and opened the door. "What do you need?" She asked while holding the doorknob.

"Let's talk." Jeno said, placing his hand on the door, ready to push the door in case Eight shuts it.

"Tomorrow." Eight replied gently. When she was about to close the door, Jeno gently pushed on the door and spoke.

"No. We'll talk now." Jeno hissed.

"Fine." Eight was left with no choice but to open the door for him. Jeno entered the room silently and stood before Eight. "Now, what?"

"Take off that cardigan." He commanded.

"What?" Eight questioned, but it really was an opposition.

"You heard me." Jeno replied.

"No way. Get out." Eight annoyingly said.

"I said take it off." Jeno's stern voice infiltrated Eight's ears.

Eight rolled her eyes and took her cardigan off, revealing hand marks Jeno left on her.

"Fuck," Jeno cursed underneath his breath. "I'm sorry, Eight. I did not mean to hur—"

"Well, you already did. Now, get out." Eight cut him off.

Jeno's eyebrows met with worry. It was such a new sight for Eight. She wanted to laugh. "Let me get ice for you." Jeno was about to walk away when his arm was grabbed by hands smaller than his.

"I'm sorry." Eight suddenly blurted out. She felt a sense of guilt too.

"What for?" Now, Jeno is the one confused.

"For putting shame on Sueño's name. This is all new to me so, I'm sorry if I damaged the reputation of our unit. I know you gave up your childhood for this. I'm sorry." Eight sincerely apologized.

Jeno processed what he was hearing first then nodded. "And I'm sorry for hurting you too. I shouldn't have done that. I forgot you were a girl for a second, that's how I usually discipline the members." He explained.

"I'm not an exception, Jeno. This isn't the first time I had a bruise." Eight gave him a small smile. A smile of understanding. Jeno did the same.

When Eight turned her back on him, Jeno pulled her back to him so she could face him again. "Wha-" Before Eight could even speak, Jeno's lips crashed into hers.

Eight's eyes widened with shock but kissed him back nonetheless. The two made out of a while, exchanging power towards one another before they pulled away panting.

Eight stood and was about to enter the shower when Jeno pulled her again. She groaned and gave him a glare. "What now?"

"I told you to prepare yourself once we get home, right? We're not yet done." Jeno's lips formed a smirk. Eight sighed in defeat and thought to herself.

I'm so dead.

Eight ; Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now