Chapter 3: Moving Away

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Once the group just finished their 8th grade year, all of their parents notified them that they were moving. The groups' parents eventually became a group of their own and started a small business selling different colored instruments that are really good quality. It was mainly Kai's dad who came up with the idea. It was going quite smoothly but they had bought some land on the other side of the state so they had to move. The kids were devastated because that means a whole new school, different kids, and a different band director. They didn't want to leave. Mr. Castle was their favorite teacher in the entire school. He also taught the high school concert and marching band. Hell, there is even a symphonic band.

As they were all packing, they all cried because of all the memories they've made here. The small cabin that they had in the woods, their friends, their reputation, and their popularity. It was all being left behind, just like that. Once they were all packed, everyone hit the road with everything. The houses sold, the new house bought, everything. Yes, the parents made sure to combine finances and put it towards a huge house by a beautiful lake so everyone can live in the same house. The kids did like the sound of that, so they decided to try to give this new area a chance. Maybe it'll be like a new chapter in their lives.

As they were on the road, the kids had their tablets or iPads, and they all played Roblox together and never got bored. They all enjoyed Roblox, but they also enjoyed other games like Minecraft, Fortnite, Call of Duty, etc. They were like little gamers. Anyways, they were definitely occupied for the entire car ride since it was almost a 5 hour drive. The kids didn't understand why they had to move so far, but as long as they got to play the entire time, they didn't care. They just wished they were in a bigger vehicle like a camper or even a bus so they could all be together. They hated being separated, even if it's for only 5 hours.

5 hours later, they finally arrived, and it was around 9 p.m., so the kids were definitely exhausted. They all helped their parents take the lighter stuff in which wasn't much, and then their parents gave them boxes with all of their pillows and blankets. Then, North's father, Frank, led all the kids to a room that was big enough to fit all 9 of them. They were really happy, so they all immediately built this nest of pillows and blankets. Frank loved seeing them work together to build the little nest for them, and he went back to help move stuff in.

"I can't believe this is actually happening!" Eva exclaimed with excitement.

"I guess this move isn't so bad after all." North says calmly, loving how Eva is still her casual hyper self.

"I just can't believe we're gonna be high schoolers this year.. time flies by." Adam says.

"I know. Oh my god, remember during inflatables day, North was trying to run to a bouncy house and fell on her butt? She kept complaining she was sore for days!" Harry says, now laughing.

"Oh shut up! I was 6!" North defends, but laughs it off.

"Oh, but that doesn't top snow come day with Mason. His tongue was so blue that everyone was constantly telling him that he had the smurf syndrome." Landon says, snickering.

Mason replies jokingly, "Haha, very funny. That was in 2nd grade."

As they kept talking about their favorite moments from their elementary years, North realized something.

"I just realized something.. will they let us into marching band even if we have years of concert band experience from a different school?" North asks.

"I'd like to hope so. Our parents would be furious if this school doesn't. It's on our.. records, I guess you can say." Kai responds.

They all started discussing plans for marching band and how they all wanted to stay as trumpet players. That was the huge promise they've made years ago. Then, Eva  switched to the topic of what she should wear for her first day, even if it's only June.

"We gotta figure out how to make an amazing first impression.. but I have no idea what I would wear.." Eva says, worried.

"Don't worry, Eva. We'll figure that out once the time comes, alright? It's only June, so we have plenty of time." North reassures her.

Just then, Mason's mother, Patricia, comes in and is in awe at the little nest.

"Aww, cute little nest there! Anyways, we're gonna order some McDonald's. What do you guys want?" She asks.

The kids looked at each other, and it was like they read each other's minds. They always get the same thing every time.

Mason says, "We'll all take 2 chicken sandwiches and medium fries."

"Alright, any drinks? The usual for you all?"

"Yep! Thanks, mom. I love you!" Mason says, smiling.

Patricia smiles softly at him and replies, "I love you too, kiddo," then she walks out.

The parents always knew what the kids wanted at different restaurants but always asked just in case something ever changed. The kids go back to talking about their favorite memories and even mention their plans for the future.

"Oh my gosh, what if we all end up taking over the business once we're old enough?" William asks.

"Ooo, that would be awesome! They don't have many color options, in my opinion." Harry says.

North then replies with, "Oh, I have so many ideas with that one, even different patterns. Yes, it's rare, but imagine how many performers would pick them out for their concerts. All the themes we'd have for them."

"You're definitely our artist, Northie." Adam says, smiling.

Adam couldn't help but have a very VERY small crush on North, but he knew it could never happen due to the promises they have made and the rules that are set for them. The biggest rule being that once they're mature, there is to be no dating in the group, and it must be someone outside of the group. Adam slightly disagreed with that rule but didn't dare mention his thoughts.

"Always will be." North responds, giggling.

"Do you have any ideas in mind? Tell us!" Eva exclaims with clear curiosity in her eyes.

North laughs, "Ok, ok, take a chill pill. I've always imagined a trumpet with.. let's say some sort of galaxy print on it, or a neon print. That matches some singers, right? Like how if you take.. Louis Tomlinson, for example, we'd make the trumpet match his newer album, Faith in the Future, which is a black and red checkered pattern."

"Woah.. I can imagine it, and it actually doesn't look too bad. That's awesome!" Jordan says.

After a bit longer of talking, William's father, Troy, and Harry's mother, Lauren, came into their room with their food. They handed the kids the bags with their names on it so they didn't forget. North's parents came in with the drinks and, again, had their names on it since some are the same.

North and Adam always get Sprite, Eva, and Landon get Root Beer, Kai, Harry, and Jordan gets Coke, then William and Mason gets sweet tea. It's always been the same since the first time they ever got McDonald's. It was their favorite fast food restaurant.

After they ate, they all got comfortable in their nest of pillows and blankets, and after a few more minutes of the kids talking about high school, one by one, they all slowly drifted off to sleep. They planned on exploring the house tomorrow.

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