Chapter 2: Middle School

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A few years go by, and the group is now in 6th grade. They have never argued, and whenever an issue comes up, it was resolved. There was nothing they couldn't do. The bullying wasn't too bad, and everyone knew them. They basically become more popular than the actual popular kids. Recently, they've found a passion in music, playing the trumpet to be more specific. North was the first to pick it up back in 4th grade, so she had some small experience, while the others started playing a year after. Everyone also knew of this newly found passion as word spread like wildfire, to the point where even the band director heard about it.

Mr. Castle was everyone's favorite teacher in the entire building. He leads the middle school concert band, and the high schools concert, symphonic, honor, and marching band, so he's a pretty busy guy. He eventually reached out to the groups parents for a personal meeting with them all. They all agreed and they went to the school, meeting in the band room. The kids loved the band room as they walked around, admiring the instruments and the decor with the school's colors, which were black, red, and gold, almost like Gryffindor from Harry Potter. North loved those movies with her whole heart.

The parents and Mr. Castle discusses putting the kids in concert band since he's heard about their love for the trumpet. All of the parents absolutely loved the idea and agreed to it.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Castle. My little North has always loved the trumpet but is nervous about what level she's at. I'm sure this will push her to her true potential, along with the others," North's mother says, thrilled about the idea.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Anderson. North, along with her friends, will surely be an amazing addition to the class." He responds enthusiastically.

The parents and Mr. Castle talks for a bit longer and eventually takes the kids home. Once the kids went back to school the following Monday, they were all called to the office. That's when they all got their schedules re-done, and they saw that they had band. They were excited, they all jumped up and down, hugged each other and gave high fives. The secretary was thrilled to see these kids excited for band class. They all were trumpet players, and they never touched a different instrument. They then went back to their classes and went on with their day as usual.

Once they got to band class, the band director was happy to see them. He happily speaks to them, "Hey kids! I'm glad to see you all! Those empty chairs are just for you guys, oh, and the trumpets are in my office. Just grab one, and we'll begin."

The group all grabbed a trumpet and sat down on an empty seat. They practically filled the trumpet section, which was perfect.

Mr. Castle then says, "Now, this music piece here will determine your chair placement. To whoever is new, chair placements determine your range of what you can play at. For example, 1st trumpets play higher notes, taking the melody most of the time, while 2nd trumpets play lower and are the supports for the melody. Does that make sense?"

All the kids nod, understanding what he was saying. Mr. Castle starts to call up different instrument sections to come and grab the music piece. When he calls for the trumpets, they all get up and walk up to him to take the paper. They all looked at it together and saw how easy it looked. They were quite excited to see who gets what in the trumpet section. They didn't care what part, just as long as they stayed together, that's all that matters to them and Mr. Castle absolutely loved that.

Once school was out, the group got on the bus, which they're on the same bus, and they headed home. After that, they meet up in the small patch of woods that was behind William's house. They all go to their little wooden house that William's dad built for them as a hangout spot, and they all pull out the music piece. They started practicing together day and night, on weekdays and weekends, until the day for chair placements arrived.

They all go to school, excited and fully prepared about band. They all go through their classes as usual, and when it was time for band, the group sat in their seats and waited for their turn. When their turn did come up, they all went one by one, sounding equally as good as each other because they practiced together. Mr. Castle was really impressed and was excited for them.

After everyone had their turn, Mr. Castle says, "You all did amazing! I will have the chair placement results by next week. Now, we have 10 minutes left of class, so you can get your phones out and relax til the bell rings. Don't be loud."

The group just got up and decided to sit in an open space on the floor in a circle. They all talked about what parts they think they'll get. Half the group thinks they'll get 1st trumpet while the other half thinks they'll get 2nd. Mr. Castle watched them a little bit and was so memorized on how they have been a group for so long with such unbreakable bonds.

The bell rings, and the kids go home. They all stayed at their houses this time, and they all did homework, played with their siblings or parents, then went to bed, dreaming about how things would be like once they got to high school. They've heard about marching band, and they instantly wanted to join, but they have to be in high school for it. They knew that when the time came, they'll be ready to advance to a new level of music, not just band.

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