Little distressed breaths fanned Beast's chest. The boy was cold and every breath he took was a struggle. Beast tried to warm him with gentle strokes and body heat. He wanted to take care of him, to keep him alive and healthy.

All the suffering he caused to this poor soul was in the past. Beast wished that they could start over. That was the plan.

He wished Elliot would wake up and see how sorry he was for mistreating him and give him another chance. A chance to prove that he was not Beast anymore. He was Billy, the human.

Beast continued to rub Elliot's cold body until sleep visited his eyes. He closed them and drew the boy to him in a tighter hug. Resting his chin on that fluffy hair, a smile tugged at Beast's lips. His heart fluttered when a little hand touched his skin and slender fingers grazed his abs.

He waited for the boy to push him away, but it turned out he was getting comfortable in the warmth Beast's body was emitting.

A warm body against a cold one.

Beast craved a human touch, even if it was cold.


Beast woke up with a gasp. He almost threw Elliot off the bed when he sat up, sliding his arm from beneath.



Beast covered his ears. The loud beeping from an unknown device kept going near him. Beast turned to the source of the sound, the kid's wrist.


Beast yelled when he saw the kid's condition.

Covered in sweat. Cold as ice. Pale as a ghost. Breaths came out in short bursts.


"Elliot!" Beast gripped his shoulders and shook him. "Wake up!"

The boy didn't move a finger.

"Goddamn it! Wake up!" Beast shook the boy violently, swinging his head up and down on the mattress. "Wake. Up. Now."

Elliot's eyes opened, but his irises rolled back before closing again.

The kid was dying in Beast's arms.

"What is happening?" Beast freaked out, eyes darting in panic as he heard the slow beats of the kid's heart. "Tell me what's happening to you?"

He checked the device and saw the number 50.

"What does it mean?" Beast cupped the boy's face, begging him, "Tell me!"

Elliot fluttered his eyes in response but couldn't fully open them. He barely uttered a moan.

The beeping started to annoy Beast. He messed with the device, pushing every button to make that sound stop, but nothing worked.


He pulled the device from the boy's slim wrist and then smashed it on the hard floor. Finally, the noise stopped. And that was when he heard a sound that made the hair at the back of his neck stand.

"What's wrong with you?"

Laying flat and limp, Elliot breathed harder. A harsh gasp escaped his lungs. He was trying to talk.

"I told you." He took another chilling breath then added, "I'm... diabetic."

Beast's eyes went wide. Diabetic. The word of a deadly disease, if left untreated. Now he understood what the number 50 on the device meant. It was the boy's blood sugar level. If it went below 40, the boy would go into a coma, and ultimately... die.

"WHAT? You never told me!"

Beast screamed at the boy, causing a slight tremor to shake his shoulders.

The boy opened his eyes. A shade of death covered their once vibrant hue. The pair of colorful eyes turned left and right, trying to find a face to talk to. Everything was blurring, but he did catch a big shadow hovering on top of him that he focused on.

The boy's mouth slowly moved, and a faint sound escaped it, "I did."

"You never told me!" Beast snapped. "You told Beast! I'm not Beast. I'm Billy."

Billy? Confusion warped the boy's features, but he didn't have the energy to talk anymore. Without another word, the boy closed his eyes again.

Billy realized that the boy wasn't sleeping; he was going in and out of consciousness. He pulled his lifeless body up to his chest in a hug. He then wrapped a sheet around both of them, like a baby being held in a wrap blanket to his mommy's tummy.

"I know what to do."

As soon as he fastened the sick boy to his stomach, he turned into a werewolf. On four legs, with Elliot tightened under him, he growled.

"We're going to see Pig."


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Uh-oh. Beast is planning to keep Ilya with him.

I don't think our boy's gonna like that... if he survives😬

I guess we're going to call Beast Billy from now on. but why? 🤨


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