Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

  Mid-to-late August is the busiest time in rural areas. After harvesting wheat, beans, corn and other miscellaneous grains can be harvested. These coarse grains are the basic guarantee for farmers' survival.

  The Tang family went back and forth between the fields and the wheat field every day. Song Yingzi took Tang Guo to get corn in the wheat field. After the wet corn was recovered, the corn husks should be peeled off and arranged into circles. , pile it high so that the corn cobs can be exposed to direct sunlight. During this period, the bottom and top are moved back and forth twice so that the corn above and below can be basically dehydrated. The dehydrated corn is more convenient to thresh and will not be easily broken. The speed Faster too.

  The beans side was even more eye-opening to Tang Guo. Due to exposure to the sun, there would be many gaps in the land in the wheat field. After the wet pods dried, some small beans would fall along the gaps, so the village chief determined which area After drying the beans, Tang Jiahe would first pull the cow dung over, mix it with some water, and paste it on the ground. After they brought the pods from the field, and the ground was dry, they would then pour down all the bean sprouts, responsible for The pod pickers moved a small bench and sat there chatting while picking.

  After all the pods are removed, the bean sprouts are arranged together. Later, the Tang family and the old man who pulls the donkey put the bean sprouts into the warehouse. Both cows and donkeys particularly like to eat these bean sprouts. Especially the fresh ones, not to mention how delicious they are.

  The torn corn husks are placed in piles aside to dry, which is most convenient for lighting a fire for cooking.

  Tang Guo skillfully tore open the corn husks and took out the corn cobs. Song Yingzi saw this and couldn't help but stretched out her hand to straighten the straw hat on Guo Guo's head. "Mom, you are careless. You should ask your father to knit a straw hat for you. This It's too big!" It's easy to cover your eyes when you put it on, and it's easy to run backwards when you push it up.

  "It's better to be bigger, it will cover more places!" In this era, there is no sunscreen, and even sun-protective clothing is so difficult. Although she has long-sleeved cotton clothes, between being too hot and getting a tan, she would rather choose to sunbathe. black.

  "That's right. Mom is going to drink some water. Do you want to come with us?" After sitting for a long time, it would be nice to get up and move around. Tang Guo picked up the kettle and went to fetch water with her mother.

  This water is made from earthworks in the village, boiled with thatch roots. It is said that drinking more can prevent heatstroke, so the village chief sent a person to boil this water and supply it continuously throughout the day. After it has cooled down, you can still drink it. Very tasty.


  Mrs. Tang also came to fetch water. When she saw Guoguo's cheeks were red and wet with sweat, she couldn't help but take off her straw hat and fan her, "Isn't it hot?"

  Tang Guo handed the kettle to her mother, took off her straw hat and fanned the old lady, "Hot!"
  "Yingzi, turn around and stuff a towel behind her back to wipe away the sweat!"

  Song Yingzi took a sip of water and touched Tang Guo's sweaty hair, "I did it, but she didn't want it. She said it was hot and it was uncomfortable to wear!"

  "Today is much hotter than in previous years!" Mrs. Tang took a sip of water and wiped her face with a towel, "Okay, I'll go over there. Drink more to avoid heat stroke."

  Song Yingzi nodded quickly, and Tang Guo, whose mouth was filled with water and bulging like a hamster, also nodded.

  The old lady had just walked halfway when she heard an argument taking place over the peanut pickers.

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