Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

  The Cold Food Festival falls a few days before Qingming Festival. During these days, every household is trying to get some glutinous rice, and then use the village stone mill to grind it into glutinous rice flour, which can be used to make Qingming fruit.

  Tang Guo followed Tang Jiahe to pick mugwort leaves on the mountain. The mugwort leaves are also particular. They can only use mugwort leaves that grow a few days before the Qingming Festival. The mugwort leaves at this time are green in color and very fresh, which is a good material for making Qingming fruit.

  Her family originally didn't have glutinous rice flour, but after Li Fang's publicity, almost every household in Tangjia Village knew that their family had big eggs. In addition, they were popular, so it was easy to exchange for glutinous rice.

  "Dad, have you seen enough of this?" Every household is not allowed to open fire during the Cold Food Festival. Tang Guo has only heard of this, but has never experienced it. Many customs have been simplified a lot in later generations.

  Tang Jiahe took a glance and saw that the girl's small basket was already filled with mugwort leaves, and his own big basket was more than half full. He estimated that it was enough, and he nodded, "That's enough. If it's not enough, let's pick it again."

  Tang Guo nodded happily. She had not seen how the Qingming Guo was made, and now that she had the opportunity, she could learn from it.

  There were other people picking mugwort leaves on the mountain. When they saw them, they all greeted them with a smile, "Hey, these mugwort leaves look so tender. The Qingming Fruit produced from them will definitely not be bitter."

  Tang Guo was so cute that everyone praised her for being smart.

  At this moment, a cry of surprise came, "Chicken, pheasant! There is pheasant!"

  Tang Guo quickly turned around, and saw several people chasing a pheasant. The pheasant was chased everywhere, clucking and clucking, and finally came straight to her. Tang Guo recognized that it was the pheasant she had released. But she was still afraid of such a big pheasant flying towards her.

  Suddenly, a bamboo basket flew over and hit the pheasant. The pheasant suffered an external force and fell to the ground from mid-air. It fainted for a while.

  Sanmaozi took a look and trotted over happily. When he saw the chicken on the ground, his eyes gleamed, "Haha, haha, such a fat chicken, I am so lucky today!"

  The person who first discovered the pheasant was very upset. If he had known better, he would not have yelled, but quietly caught the chicken. Now it was better, and the fat meat that reached the mouth was given to others for free, but the chicken was also It's so weird, why are you just running towards the Tang family and there?

  "Sanmaozi, this is the pheasant that was discovered first, why don't you just take it for yourself!" Someone refused.

  Sanmaozi spat out the grass in his mouth and looked over with a stern look, "Hey, who discovered it first? They saw it but didn't have the ability to catch it. I have the ability and I caught it. This should be mine." After that, he mentioned The pheasant's two paws were ready to go down the mountain, and he was still picking mugwort leaves. He didn't even get a piece of glutinous rice. Picking mugwort leaves was just to give everyone the illusion that he also had Qingming fruit to eat.

  However, this trip up the mountain was really worth it.

  Others might think that the pheasant flew towards them by chance, but Tang Jiahe could see it clearly from where he was standing. The last time Guoguo caught the pheasant, he said that the pheasant fainted after hitting a tree. She happened to pick it up, and When those two brats were catching rabbits together, they said that the wild rabbits were nesting there, as if they were caught for them. He didn't take it seriously. But now that he has a look, it's not true. The chickens themselves Fly towards the girl.

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