Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

  As soon as the sun comes out, every household in Tangjia Village takes out their belongings to dry in the sun. They take off their winter and spring quilts and thick cotton-padded clothes and put them all in the yard to receive the baptism of the sun. The adults sit under the sun and take out the clothes from their children. Take out the cotton, wash the outer cloth, and the child can wear it again.

  Song Yingzi, Jiang Si and Dong Yuanyuan were sitting in the yard tracing new patterns. This was a style that became popular from outside. No one in the village had ever worn this style.

  "Auntie, look, this skirt has a white fake collar, it's so beautiful." Jiang Si showed the pattern to Song Yingzi.

  Song Yingzi also thought it was good, but it was a bit too expensive. A piece of clothing would have to be worn for at least three years. If such a beautiful style is difficult to change, wouldn't it mean that it could only be worn for one year?

  Jiang Si looked at her expression of embarrassment and thought for a moment to realize what she was hesitating about, "Auntie, let's make it into a suspender skirt style so that Guoguo can wear it all the time! And it can be worn underneath, so it's practical. ."

Song Yingzi looked at the pattern on the picture. This was Guoguo's first time going to school, and Guoguo earned the cloth stamps. It was right for Guoguohua to give them all. Thinking of this, she nodded, "Okay. , then do as you say, but I will sew this, you go and study quickly, don't waste your time."

  Studying is the most important thing. How can we waste time on such things?

  Jiang Si smiled and said, "It's okay, Auntie. Anyway, we are tired of watching it right now, so we should just relax."

  Dong Yuanyuan also nodded quickly. She also wanted to see how Guo Guo Niang sewed clothes.

  Seeing that they were really interested, Song Yingzi stopped trying to persuade them and began to draw lines on the cloth skillfully.

  Tang Guo carried the small basket and Dapeng that her father had made for her newly, and went out to play in Yishan. There was a small river flowing from Gou Mountain in their Tangjia Village. There were no fish in sight some time ago, but now the weather is warm. , they actually found a small fish inside, but the fish was very small, about an inch long, and was very afraid of the sun, so it basically clung to the edge of the stone.

  "Guo Guo, come here quickly, there are many behind this big rock!" Dapeng excitedly waved to Tang Guo as if he had discovered a new world.

  Tang Guo quickly picked up his pants and walked over there. The water was warm and not icy at all. When he walked in it, the feeling of the water flowing between his feet made Tang Guo extremely comfortable.

  "Wow, there are so many, let me catch them for you." Tang Guo stretched out her hand and cautiously approached the small fish beside the stone, then she held it forward, and a small fish swam in her palm.

  "I will help you put the basket in the basket, and you put the basket in the water, so that the little fish can live for a while longer." Dapeng took the little fish with both hands and put it into her small frame.

  Tang Guo caught a few more fish according to the method she just used. These fish were really strange. Why were they all hiding in the backlight?

  "You can't catch fish here."

  It's Tang Dabao again! Tang Guo basically ignored him when she saw him now. She bent down and continued to catch small fish.

  Tang Dabao saw that none of the children in the water paid him any attention and were still catching fish. He became anxious and picked up stones from the river and threw them into the water. By coincidence, the water splashed all over Tang Guo.

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