Chapter Eight: a legendary superstar meeting

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AN: This chapter has even more characters and more inside on the Anderson brothers relationship, the bond the share, their early years before the events of the story and the lengths Damian will go to protect Dylan, this chapter will also contains some ships (Aside from the Dylan x Oliva ship you've seen in past chapters) as well as many of my ocs and the groups first fight against Darcy

with all that being said, enjoy chapter eight

Dylan's POV It wasn't long since we set off to Crystal City and The wind felt great, I had never felt so free in my life. Having my older brother Damian made everything even better due to the tight bond we share together.

As we were walking along the path, Kyurem decided to start a conversation between us, we were more than happy to chat with them as we were going to be on the road for a long time

Kyurem: So Damian, Dylan, what made you want to move to Crystal City?

Damian: I just wanted my brother to be happy, I've been taking care of him since we left our old home and our family

Dylan: I wonder how they're doing? maybe we should visit them some day

Damian: Yeah, we can bring our friends to meet them and share our stories

Ori: what was it like growing up together? I want to know more about you two

Damian: Growing up, I always was a only child until my mom told me she was expecting Dylan, when he was born I took the role of big brother very seriously and would always be there for him, even helping mom when we found out he had autism. When I was old enough I asked mom if I could take Dylan with me so we could be together, ever since we've been inseparable and we do everything together.

Dylan: Yeah, Damian has always been there for me and I couldn't have asked for a better big brother, he is everything to me

Alice Aduraice: You know, you boys remind me of Mario, Luigi and their past selves in a way, I bet you would all get along really well

Sein: Awww, true brotherly love, reminds me of the nights where Seir would look after me when I was troubled

Kyurem: You boys look a lot like your mom, I hope we can meet her one day

Sein: Me too, she sounds so nice

Ori: Your mom reminds me of my mom, I wonder how they would react to meeting each other

Dylan: I'm wondering that too Ori. anything else you'd like to know about us?

Damian: Hold on, there's someone over there, by that tree

We all looked at where Damian was pointing and saw a small group of people, two of witch Alice recognised and hurried over, we followed her and said hello to everyone

Alice Aduraice: Mario, Riba, this is quite the surprise isn't it

Riba Aduraice: it sure is, how come you're here?

Alice Aduraice: I'm on a journey to Crystal City though it's a long story

Mario: Oh, well we were looking for you Alice, Marchionne said we'd find you here and it looks like he was right

Marchionne: Am I never right?

Luciano: Who are these two? I've never seen them before?

Alice Aduraice: Oh! I almost forgot, Meet Damian and Dylan Anderson

Sein: I'm Sein and these two are my beloved spirit Ori and my sister Seir

Princess peach: It's lovely to meet you boys, we overheard about what's been happening and decided to find you

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