Prologue: a faithful encounter

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Hi there, My name is Dylan and I live In a small town called Maplewood, a town filled with magic and fun, you may be wondering. how am I speaking to you? well... it's magic. anyway you're probably wondering, where am I going... well allow me to share my story with you, a story of how my life changed forever.

it was early morning and I was heading to a well know base in town, the team which used it was know as team Sparkle and they were looking for new recuts to help on their missions. I was hoping to be one of those people, I love helping people and would often help out at my local hospital. ether way I arrived at the gates and was greeted with a close friend of mine, 

Oliva: "Hey Dylan over here!" She waves to Dylan as he approaches

Dylan: "Hey Oliva!" I run over to her and embrace her in a hug "It's great to see you"

Oliva: "Yeah, today's the day you see if you got chosen to join the team, I heard that Darcy picks only the best of the best"

Oliva and I had been through a lot together, she's part of the team and I aim to join her one day. However I had a feeling that it may not be easy to get into team Sparkle

Darcy only allows the best of the best to join her team and she pushes away those she thinks are weak, I had tried many times in the past to join but the results were always the same

Dylan: "Yeah.... but what if she doesn't pick me again"

Oliva: "I'm sure she'll pick you this time, if not I'll speak with her. you deserve to show the world just what you can do Dylan"

Dylan: "Thanks Oliva, well here goes nothing" 

I make my way to the main hall where Darcy and her squad were waiting for me, after everyone arrived was when Darcy began her speech. I just hoped for the best, and that today was going to be different.

Darcy: "Thank you all for coming, as you all may know the recent events has been quite wild. however we have chosen a brand new team member to join us in our quest to keep the world safe from danger."

I saw three other girls walking up and down looking at everyone, eventually they chose a young girl with light brown hair as their new team member, I knew deep down in my heart that she was never going to chose me, I slowly got up and left the room in tears, I heard Oliva's voice but I kept on running

Dylan: "Why... doesn't she realise what she's doing. does she not want me to be apart of her team?"

I fell to the ground in tears as I felt Oliva's hands wrap around me, pulling me into a hug, nothing would make me better after what had just happened

Oliva: "I'll talk to her Dylan, you just return home and relax. I'll pop by later today to check on you" she then stands up and walks away

I look back at Oliva as I left the building and began to make my way back home, during the walk i felt an unknow feeling in my heart, as if someone was hugging me from within. As I reached the forest path I spotted a strange blue glow and decided to investigate... what I saw changed everything.

{AN: this was the best picture I could find of Ori and Sein so credit goes to the original artist of the picture}

{AN: this was the best picture I could find of Ori and Sein so credit goes to the original artist of the picture}

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the creature was white in colour with a blue orb of light floating besides them. My best guess for its height is that it might be nearly half my height with its body structure of a bipedal that has human-like hands and paws, a cat-like tail... It also had a pair of long ears and short horn-like tufts on its head and its eyes are pure black with a white pupil dotting on them. I had never seen a creature like it before in my life, from what I could tell, the creature was making his way towage me with peak interest with the orb of light following close behind the creature.

as I crouched down the creature placed both hands on my lap before jumping into my arms, I could tell it was from different from the creatures I've seen though it didn't appear to be hostile in any way.... more curious than anything, his fur felt soft as if I was touching a big fluffy blanket, the orb simply floated around me with intense interest. The creature's eyes showed signs of intelligence and I was taken back as to how calm the creature was. 

Dylan: "Hello there, are you lost little one?" I asked the creature

 Creature: "Nope, I'm not lost. I just heard you crying so i came to see what was wrong... are you ok?"

Orb: "whatever has happened I'm sure we can help you"

The creature seemed to be very kind-hearted and more concerned for why I was crying, I took a deep breath and shared my story. After finishing my story, the creature tackled me to the ground and embraced me in a tight hug.

 Creature: "Oh that sounds awful, don't worry... I'm here now"

 Orb: "What's your name by the way?" 

I was taken back by the Orb's question but I happy answered it, all the while still holding the creature in my arms

Dylan: "My name's Dylan, Dylan Anderson. but call me Dylan for short." I replied

 Ori: "Nice name Dylan, Mine is Ori and this is Sein. we came from Nibel"

Dylan: "Woah, that sounds like a long journey for such a small creature such as yourself."

 Sein: "We took lots of breaks, you do not have to worry so much my dear."

I could tell Sein meant every word of her speech, but with a storm on the way I couldn't just leave Ori to the elements. I thought for awhile and came up with an idea.

Dylan: "Say Ori, would you and Sein like to stay with me? there's a big storm on the way and I don't want you to get sick." I say as I stood up, still holding Ori in my arms "It will be nice, warm and safe where I live."

 Ori: "I'd love to, after all we'd like to get to know you more Dylan."

Sein: "Yes please, show us the way Dylan, I'll be close behind you and Ori."

Dylan: "Then let's go, I have so much to ask you two."

I began speeding through the woods as the weather grew more stormy around us, I was not expecting to meet a creature of the forest let alone a orb of light from a forest known as Nibel, with so many questions floating around my head I unlocked the front door and brought Ori and Sein inside.

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