Chapter Three: A Rainy Day of fun

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AN: This was by far the most fun chapter to write about as it gave me a chance to further build the bond between Ori, Sein and Dylan, this will have a lot of refences to different video games you may be familiar with, It also further builds character with my OC Dylan and gives more inside to his daily life, I hope you enjoy this chapter. OH! and thank you all so much for the support, it means so much to me. anyways without any further ado let's begin

After the day we all had, we decided to turn in for the night, it felt great getting a good nights sleep and Ori's light was very soothing, it was early morning and I was awakened by a familiar face

Ori: Good morning Dylan

Dylan: Good Morning Ori, sleep well?

Ori: I sure did, I had a lovely sleep. the bed felt so soft and it reminded me of home a bit

Dylan: I'm happy to hear that you had a nice sleep Ori, it looks like Sein is waking up now

Ori and I watched as Sein woke up, her glow shining bright, lighting up the entire room in a beautiful blue glow

Sein: Good morning my dear, good morning Dylan, Ready for another great day

Ori: You bet I am Sein, I'm super ready

Dylan: Me too, let me open the curtains and then we can head downstairs for breakfast

I walk over to the curtains and pull them to witness something I was not expecting, It was raining outside so we couldn't play outside like I wanted to today. I saw Ori climb onto the table and watched the rain fall, his ears drooped at the site of the dark sky

Ori: Awww, the sky is crying, did we do something wrong?

AN: Ori and Sein has no knowledge on the weather in the human world in this fanfiction so they're learning about their new environment and in turn, they're learning about Dylan as well

Dylan: Hahaha, you did nothing bad Ori, it's just rain.

Sein: It rains a lot in Nibel, but we've never seen rain quite like this

Ori: it sounds.... nice, almost relaxing

Dylan: It's very relaxing, I always listen to it when I'm stressed out, sometimes I would open the window just to hear it

Ori: That's a nice way to calm down, I would always cuddle Naru when I'm stressed. She always know what to say to make me feel better

Sein: So are we going to eat?

Dylan: Oh right, come on Sein, Ori. let's get some breakfast

I didn't want Ori to catch a cold so we made our way downstairs where everyone was waiting for us, we had a chat and decided that we would stay inside today. Oliva checked the weather forecast and found out that it wouldn't stop for a long time, to keep Ori's mind busy I decided to show Ori what I would normally do on a day like today and he seemed very eager to learn

Seir: Mind if I hang out with you guys?

Sein: Of course, we're in this together after all

Ori: I agree, we're a team

Sein: So Dylan, what's the first activity you have prepared for us

Dylan: Well I was thinking of playing some video games? you guys wanna see what games I have

Ori: Yes please Dylan! do you have my game by chance?

Dylan: Oh, you bet I do Ori. I even have Will of the wisps.


Sein: That's amazing, what other games do you have?

Dylan: I have Splatoon 3, Animal crossing, Mario Kart 8 deluxe and so many more

Seir: My that's quite a line-up

Dylan: Sure, which one do you want to see first

Ori: Can you play Blind forest?

Dylan: I had a feeling you wanted me to play that one, of course I'll play that one Ori, it's my all time favourite

Ori: YAY!

I picked up my Nintendo switch and placed the game card inside, Ori was wide eyed when he heard his theme playing, I put it on the TV for Sein and Seir to see and it wasn't long before two familiar faces appeared and joined us

Sein: Hello Gumo, Ku

Seir: What brings you two here?

Ku: We wanted to spend time with Ori

Gumo: Wait... is this what I think it is?!

Dylan: It sure is Gumo, Ori really wanted me to play his game first so I said that I would, he looks very excited

Ku: That's my brother for ya, he loves hearing his game music

Ori: You bet I do, I sometimes sleep to it.

Seir: Well whenever you're ready Dylan, let's play one of the most amazing games ever to be made

Ori: I couldn't have said that better myself Seir

I chose my profile and began playing through the game, many hours had past before It was Sein's turn to chose a game to play

Dylan: Ok Sein, it's you're turn to chose a game

Sein: I chose... Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Dylan: Great choice, I always have a blast with this game, I am quite good at it

Sein: It interested me the most, I have never seen a kart racer game before

I placed the card into the switch and chose online play, Everyone even got to have a go and we all had a blast, furthering our bond together and making life long memories together, it wasn't long before it was dinner time.

Sein: My how time flies,

Dylan: Oh goodness, I didn't realise how long I spent playing

Ori: Yeah, time flies when you're having fun

Seir: How long do you normally play for Dylan?

Dylan: I normally play for 4 to 8 hours, sometimes I would play for way longer

Seir: Oh my, that's a very long time

Ku: I agree, do you take breaks?

Dylan: I sure do

Ori: Come on, let's go eat

We all headed downstairs for dinner before spending some time together, soon it was time for bed. Ori cuddled up with me and fell asleep. I knew that tomorrow was going to be a great day, for not only me, but for my newfound friends. I just knew that life was going to get better with Ori by my side.

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