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Liz's Pov
After I slept for 12 hours straight, I felt a whole lot happier like I normally do. I'm usually a pretty happy go lucky person. Plus, the dinner we had last night was a 5-star course in my book, so I felt well rested and well fed. Matt was already up when I ventured out into the living room. He was scrolling on his phone. They gave us new phones so we couldn't be tracked.
M: Well, good morning, beautiful.
E: I gave him a cheesy smile and a well, good morning to you too, handsome. ( I could definitely get used to morning like this)
He gave me a smile and asked about breakfast.
E: I'm not really a breakfast person. However, I do love cereal.
M: I wouldn't mind having some eggs.
E: Separate breakfasts, it is then.
Liz's Pov
I lucked out! They had cheerios, which wasn't my favorite, but it was definitely top 5 on my list. Matt made himself up some eggs, and we had a pleasant breakfast together. We agreed we didn't want to explore our new world quite yet, so we opted for a movie. I started drilling him on what he'd seen and what he hadn't. Typical boy, he hasn't seen anything, but action movies. I convinced him to watch Psych. Who knows, maybe I'll have him watching Gilmore Girls next.
Matt's Pov
I made her think that she had to convince me, but really, I would've watched anything she wanted just to make her happy. Who knew I was such a simp, good grief. I mean, I've only known this girl a day.
The first scene in this show was a couple making out. I looked over at her, and she was purposely avoiding my glance. Once she finally did look over at me, she quickly exclaimed the rest of the shows, not like this, I promise. I probably should've just let the scene past however I wanted to try and cause some trouble. "Sooo this is why you love this show so much." She started blushing a little and then with a slight smile said no, no, of course not.
20 minutes in, and I was thinking this shows not haft bad. Plus, a bigger bonus was Liz has been inching her way over to me since it started. Now, she's even got her head on my shoulder and her legs over my legs. I'm really not minding this place, I thought to myself. 3 episodes went by right quick, and it's been a very quiet, pleasant morning. Of course, good things never last. There was a knock at the door...
Liz's Pov
I wasn't wearing something that I wanted a lot of people to see me in. I was in shorty shorts and an oversized sweatshirt. It's not inappropriate, but it's definitely not for public, in my opinion. Matt answered the door while I stayed under the blanket. A tall, very authoritative looking guy entered. Without being invited, he took a seat across from me. Matt came back and sat next to me again. The guy introduced himself as Walter Adams. We began to introduce ourselves, but he stopped us and told us he already knew all about us.
Walter's Pov
Just sit back and listen for a few minutes. I've been assigned as your mentor, and I came because of a tradition. A tradition that everyone is forced to take part in, but first, let me say that sharing the bed is non-negotiable. No more sleeping on the couch for either of you. Both of you will sleep in that bed. Together. Do I make myself clear? We muttered an ok or a sure. I think that's why his next lecture was... You two will always answer me with a sir on the end, and 95% of the time, there's a yes before the sir. Got it?
E: I muttered, a very quiet yes, sir. Matt didn't say anything he just stared, which made Walter repeat himself. Do You Understand? He proclaimed to Matt.
M: No, I don't know if I do understand. I just met you, and I'm supposed to do everything you ask while giving you my utmost respect.
W: Actually, I think you do understand because that's exactly what I want from you.
M: Well, that doesn't mean I want to give it to you.
W: You want me to earn it? I take it?
M: Yes, if you even can.
W: I don't think you know what that road entails. I can assure you it's not a pleasant one.
M: I'm twenty years old. How did you think I was going to react to you barging in here and barking orders at us.
W: Well, I had hoped you would choose the easy path, but here it is.
You can apologize, and I'll forget about this conversation. Option two, you refuse and keep up this attitude, but this option won't end very pretty.

Liz's Pov
Matt had almost made up his mind, and I didn't think it was going to be option one, so I spoke up

M: i pick option 2. I don't like your all-powerful attitude, and I'm not going to jump at every word you say, no matter how bad you want me too so deal with it.

Liz's Pov
I was too late...
The damage was done.
Honestly, I was pretty shocked, Matt had said that. He seemed so quiet and easygoing. At least he was to me.

W: Well, if that's the road you want to take, it's fine by me.
M: I'm so very glad!

Liz's Pov
Matt lunged at Walter with fist flying.
Matt definitely got some punches in, but this Walter guy held his own. Matt was incredibly strong and athletic, but Walter had some impeccable training. It only took a few minutes for Walter to win, and then he took a seat again and pretended like nothing had happened. However, Matt was much worse for the wear. I went down to the floor where he was and attempted to stop his nose from bleeding. As Walter began to talk again.

W: I'm sure that was enough to persuade you to behave, but if you'd like to continue, we most surely can!
M:....no.......no I think I get it.
W: Great! Have a seat please there's more for us to discuss.

Matt rose to his feet very snaillike  and gingerly sat down on the couch. Liz followed close behind him.

W: As you know, we follow domestic discipline. Which means the man's in charge of his girl. Normally, he keeps her in line by spankings. Anyway, it's tradition that on the first day as a couple, the girls get spanked by their dom. I'm here to teach him how to spank you properly.
M: Are you out of your ever lovin' mind. There's no way you're gonna get me to do that. She hasn't even done anything wrong.
W: That's why it won't be that hard. It's more of a fun get to know the lifestyle type thing.
E: Doesn't sound all that fun to me.
M: Exactly, it's not gonna happen.
W: I've had it with your attitude. I'm bout ready to give you round two right now.

Liz's Pov
I couldn't let Matt get beat up again.
He's barely walking as it is. How hard could this spanking really be? I mean, I haven't even misbehaved.

E: Can I have a minute to talk to Matt alone?
W: Sure, 5 minutes in your room. If you don't come out in 5, I'm coming in to get you. Ya here?
E: Yes, Sir

*In our bedroom*
E: You should just spank me.
M: Excuse me?
E: It can't possibly be any worse than what you just went through, and I don't want to watch you go through it again.
M: You're ok with just giving him what he wants. You're ok with me spanking you??
E: What choice do we have? Fighting? You just lost a fight with him, and we both know I have no chance of winning. If we just do what he wants, he'll leave, and we can do what we please again.
M: You're right. We don't really have any options. I really hate that guy.

*Back in the living room*
M: Alright, fine, I'll spank her.
W: Excellent choice

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