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The three of them discussed their courses of action for the next few days. Stay aware of any information regarding their missing soldier and regarding more information about those around him. Seok-Chan left ahead, as Kim decided to walk Nabi-a to her room in the storage area. There we only cameras leading to the hallway not looking at the room. As stated earlier, Nabi-a had decided to sometimes sleep in between the non-food supplies in case someone decided to take advantage and steal. It led closely to where the other soldiers slept, and she could hear if they decided to move.

Nabi opened the door and turned, seeing Kim simply stared at her not making a move.

"Why did you bring me here?" He asked.

"Mhmm, I needed to show you something, that could possibly help us." She said opening the door.

"You can't bring it out here" He raised a brow, when she saw she was inviting him in.

"Yahh, it's too much to lift, don't be scared there's no monster in here" She teased.

"It's not the monster you should be worried about. You should be more cautious of who you let in. Who knows what they could do to you" He whispered the last part as he got close to her and passed her by looking around. Nabi you seriously took a warning, as a flirt she smacks herself mentally. She blushed a little before closing the door, leading him to a trunk. She and her trunks are always filled with secrets. Everything was organized, on the floor there were blankets neatly placed as a bed, with a lamp and bookbag for emergencies.

"I will be more watchful, Sir" She rolled her eyes knowing he was playing around. She proceeded to open the trunk. It was filled with her personal supplies, and there were a lot of stacks of papers.

"Do you normally sleep on the floor?" He asked looking at the makeshift bed.

"I wouldn't call it the floor there is a thin comforter on the bottom" She was moving stuff out of the way.

"Nabi-a, you can be honest" He sternly said. She paused and looked back at him.

"I slept on a bed my whole life, and for a month I slept in whatever pile I could find. It just became part of me after that."

"Mhm, I presume that includes when you escape with Eunyu too?"

"Maybe" She simply responded, she knew he would always try and figure out where she and Eunyu would escape to do. However, that was not her business to tell.

"What's this?" He asked. The papers had the names and descriptions of each person detailing things from the last year. He kneeled beside her looking inside the trunk.

"This is what can help us narrow down who Yeon Seok's girlfriend is. At least know her interest before she comes for us. Who knows, maybe she was in love or maybe she was using him. It's best to know."

"What could that help us with?" He was genuinely curious, as the sick girl didn't seem to pose a threat.

"Well, if she's working alone, we won't have to worry much. But if its multiple people trying to form an uprising, using the soldiers as scapegoats then that could be a problem."

"You don't trust people much do you?" He raised his brows.

"It's the same for you, sir. We do what we must to survive. In this case for the greater good." She pulled a large stack out. "I found it!"

"You divided the pile between men, women, soldiers, and children?" He looked down.

"Exactly, there was too much information, so it's also dated, Park Chan Young is always telling me to stop shadowing around." Separating the piles.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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