A Rough Start

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Akimitsu Sato was just an average college student. He got good grades, had a decent friend group, and average looks. He never needed or wanted anything more than what he had. He walked through life taking the punches and rolling with it, a lazy soul gliding along without a goal.

But that all changed in a matter of seconds. One moment he's walking down the street, heading to class like usual, and the next he's waking up in a luxurious bed in a large room that he doesn't recognize. The only thought on his mind, "What the hell happened?"

Akis pov:

I woke up and immediately noticed that something wasn't right. I was in a bed, a huge one with expensive silk sheets. I looked down at my hands and realized, those aren't my hands. I looked around the room and my eyes widened. The room is massive. Beautiful marble floors and sleek white walls, lined with expensive art. A diamond chandelier hanging from the marble ceiling. A large mirror in the corner of the room.

I stumbled out of the bed, almost falling on my face, then rushed over to the mirror. As soon as I met my reflection, I was frozen in shock. What met my eyes in my reflection, wasn't me, Akimitsu Sato, it was a person I recognized from a book. Finn Stoneheart. The abusive twin brother of the main character from my favorite bl novel, The Panthers Harem!

I took a step back, staring at the mirror in disbelief. 'How did this happen? Why am I a character from a novel? And why did I transmigrate into such a horrible character?!'

Finn Stoneheart is the twin brother of the main character in the novel. Finn is a cocky, abusive, egotistical person because he was pampered and praised his whole life. All because he's the heir to the family business. He abused and bullied his brother, Theo Stoneheart. Then after Theo attracts the attention of the male leads, they end up killing Finn. That leads to Theo being the sole heir to the Stoneheart business and free from his abuser. That event also leads to Theo falling for the male leads.

So why did I end here as this horrible cannon fodder villain? Funny story. I was just walking to school, like normal, and I got hit by a truck. A truck that literally wasn't even on the road before I went to cross the street, but oh well, Isekai logic isn't supposed to make sense.

Breaking my confused stupor was the sound of a knock at the door. I sighed deeply before calling out, "Come in."

At my call, the door opened and a middle-aged woman wearing a traditional maid outfit with brown hair and green eyes entered. Two short cat-like ears on top of her head and a cat tail swaying behind her. Oh right, I forgot to mention that beastmen exist in this world along with magic.

The Stoneheart family is a family of panther type beastmen who have served directly under the king for generations, earning the title of duke and owning the biggest swordsmithing empire in the kingdom. Panther type beastmen, such as the Stoneheart family, are rare in the kingdom of Mivouterra.

The woman who walked in, known as Addison Tillman, is Finns maid. She's a kind and caring woman who, for some odd reason, takes care of Finn despite his blatant verbal abuse. "Young Master? Are you alright?" Addison asked with a concerned stare.

"I'm alright, Addison." I took a deep breath. "I have a few things I need to ask you, do not question why I'm asking these things, just answer." I said as calmly as possible.

Addison stared at me as if my eyes had popped out. This is the first time she's seen Finn speak to her in a calm way. "I-I'll do my best, young master." She stuttered slightly, clearly confused and concerned.

"How old am I?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly at the question, but remembering my earlier words she quickly answered. "You're 17, young master"

I tapped my chin. 'In the original story Finn is killed by the male leads at his and Theos 18th birthday party. Which gives me one year to fix Finns mess and save my own life.' I sighed and shook my head. "Next question, when do Theo and I start the academy?"

"There is one month before the first day of the academy" Addison replied calmly, but her facial expression twisted back into confusion and concern as I mentioned Theo in a way that wasn't mean.

"One month..." I mumbled quietly. "Alright, thank you Addison." I smiled at her. This woman reminded me of my mother from my original life, I couldn't help but smile.

Addison stared in shock, 'the young master said thank you?' She thought. Despite her obvious shock, she smiled. "Of course young master, I'm glad I could help."

"Ah, right. Why did you come to my room?" I asked curiously.

"The Duke and Duchess have requested your presence at lunch this afternoon. I'm here to help you get ready, young master" Addison approached a door to the closet and began shifting through the clothes inside. The closet was filled with overly expensive and fancy clothing.

"You don't need to do that, Addison, I can get myself ready" I gently grabbed her hand to stop her, a smile on my face. This action only confused and shocked her more, her eyes widened.

"It's my job, young master" She attempted to continue searching the closet, but I stopped her again.

"Addison. I'm not a child, I am responsible enough to change my own clothes now" I said as I dragged her by her hand away from the closet. "You go rest." I insisted.

"I-If you say so, young master" Addison said quietly, slightly nervous now, then backed up. I let go of her hands. "I'll go now, call for me if you need anything" She bowed and exited the room, leaving me alone once again.

I sighed and plopped down on the bed, staring at the chandelier dangling from the ceiling.
"I just want to go to sleep."

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