Chapter One:

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I look out of the window of the dull gray house I live in. It looks just like the house across the street, and the house next to that house, and the house next to our house, and every house in this dull boring faction. But just above the houses I can see the train tracks and the tall buildings of the other factions. The tall blue glass buildings of Erudite and the white ceilings of Candor. Dauntless is impossible to see as that faction is in caved in buildings they didn't bother to rebuild. Amity is also impossible to see, but only because it resides outside of the fence.

Over two million people are sorted into the five factions based on their brain's aptitude, based on what is or isn't active in your brain. The teachers told us that long ago due to the war the citizens split up and decided to focus on different things as they thought they were the most important to rebuilding the city. Over time the distinct and strict rules of only showing the traits of one faction lead to evolution and for the brains of the people to either over activate parts of the brain or completely eliminate parts of the brain's function.

For Erudite the values that had been and still are focused on are intelligence, wisdom, and curiosity. This lead to those in the Erudite faction to have an enlarged and/or hyperactive hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and curiosity. For Candor the values are honesty and trustworthiness which lead to an enlarged and hyperactive prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that activates more when you tell the truth. For Dauntless the values are bravery, fearlessness, and strength which lead to a shrunken and/or dormant amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for fear processing. For Amity the values are peace and happiness which lead to higher dopamine and serotonin levels in the brains of those in Amity which made them happier and more peaceful. For Abnegation the value is selflessness which lead to three parts of the brain shrinking causing less self-awareness.

Guess you can't be selfish if you're self-aware. Except, I was born here and I'm self-aware. I'm definitely not Abnegation. It's a lot of work for me to be selfless.

I look at my mother who punches in the password for the mirror and slides the door open. There's a danger in completely forgetting yourself and not being self-aware. You don't take care of yourself much. So to make sure people would maintain hygiene and take care of themselves they made it mandatory that once a month you could look in the mirror. But for those like me who cannot forget themselves as easily, it's torture having to wait for the allotted time to see how I change.

I look at myself in the mirror. I look as dull as the grey building I live in, as dull as the grey clothing I wear, as dull as the faction I'm apart of. I look to the reflection of my mother and she's not dull. She's vibrant and happy. She hums a little as her hands expertly take my dull brown hair out of my bun.

"Are you scared?" My mother asks her bright vibrant caramel eyes meeting my dull brown eyes in the mirror as if she sees through my deception. As if she can see that I don't belong here.

"No." I answer her as I look down not wanting to look her in the eye anymore. I'm about to go to the school building and be tested for my aptitude. The aptitude test is a simulation test that puts you in situations that pull out your instincts. They can't do brain scans on everyone to see what their brains look like as it would be impossible to see how the evolution process affected all the children of children of children of the ancestors who were the first to evolve. Plus getting results from brain scans and accurately telling results without a pre-evolution brain to compare to would be impossible. "The aptitude test will tell me where I belong." Hopefully.

It's never been proven to be wrong, the results are supposed to remain between the tester, the test taker, and the government. It's not really forbidden to say what you got on the test, but it is frowned upon (at least in Abnegation) to speak about it. It may just be the whole "never talk about yourself" faction construct that made this "rule".

"I was scared when I was tested." My mother's voice breaks my train of thought and brings me back to the present where her caramel eyes see deep into my soul reading me as clear as the words on a page. "I was scared the test would tell me something I didn't want. Beatrice, the test may show you things about yourself that you never knew, but whatever faction you pick just know we will always love you."

I look at her as she carefully cuts off the ends of my hair to make sure it is healthy. "You're talking as if you already know where I'm going." I say studying her beautiful face so full of life here. It's something I will never understand how she looks so happy and carefree here while I struggle to exist on the day to day.

"Beatrice, I'm your mother." She says as she expertly twists my hair into the signature bun all the women in our faction wear. "I know more about you than you think." She said gently lowering her body so her cheek is pressed against mine as we look in the mirror for the last few allotted moments. "Just remember, your father and I will always love you."

I nod and smile at our reflection before the beep sounds and the mirror slides shut. I close my eyes for a moment just relishing the last moment I will have with my mother in this house. It would be selfish of me to leave. It would be selfish of me to abandon my faction that has taken care of me so well.

Abnegation almost never has transfers in or out of the faction. It's always frowned upon to be selfish and leave your family. It's also always seen as shameful to join our faction. Who wants to lose all sense of self?

My mother and I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see my brother and father finishing up breakfast. My brother is someone who I know will end up staying here. He's the perfect Abnegation boy. He's never thinking of himself and he's always taking care of everyone. He's just like our parents. They're all perfect examples of Abnegation. Yet here I am. The black sheep of the family who struggles with forgetting herself.

"Good morning." My father says pulling me into a big hug kissing my forehead like he has done every morning since I can remember. "Are you nervous?"

I shake my head as I hug my father. "No, the test will tell me everything I need to know." I say as I just enjoy this moment with my dad.

"Just remember, your mother and I will always love you." He says kissing my head one last time before releasing me so we can all eat breakfast before Caleb and I leave for the test.

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