chapter 12

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Mia - pov
I lie on my bed staring at my ceiling ,it been a while since i had that dream , my best friend try to kill me after that incident everything change that day when i walk up i was in hospital again and i told kevan abd rebecca everything thing that kia try to kill me and he is a werewolf but one thing i hide from them that someone save me ,they didn't know that kia is die they only know that kia got disappeared after that incident because he hurt me ,only i and him ( the person who save me ) know that happen ,kevan promise me that kia will never hurt me again but deep down i know that he know kia is died but i know he is telling the truth that he will never let him hurt me because he is like a brother to me for a second i thought he is a family that he will always support me protect me like my family does but
on that day when my parents came in hospital to meet me they told them that i feel off the stairs and my sister support him in this ,he acted like that nothing happen i was frustrated because i want to tell my mom everything ,i want to cry holding her and tell her that how scared i was but he didn't let me . But me being me i tell them everything and he told them that it my hallucination and i hit my head and that i can't cop up with the death of great grandma and because a wolf kill her ,i am imagining wolf try to kill me too and everyone support him even my own sis after that my relation with them become bitter because he betrayed me ,and my trust and since then i never talk to him . I only talk to him when necessary ,he try few time but eventually he gave up and after that it's became my parent sole purpose of life to make my physical and mental health stable afterall they are parents every parent is worried about their child and he also recommended a psychiatrist to keep record of my mental problem and he try is best to convince me what happen that day was my hallucination and my guilt but i was determined that's why i still have appointment with him but only once in month but sometimes i miss them but i know for sure that tomorrow i have to watch his beautiful face for about 1 hour atleast .
Someone knock on door
Mom : can u come in.

Mia : from when u ask permission to come inside my room .
She sit beside me and i keep my gead on her laps and she start to rub my head
Mom : how are u feeling now

Mia : drained .

Mom: what's bothering you most .
Mia : i don't think they will take me ,after what happen yesterday.

Mom: and what's reason .

Mia : because i am mentally unstable .

Mom : bella ,don't u are ever say that u are just wounded and when your wounds heal that day you can do everything,just take your time .

Mia : will they mom.

Rebecca : they will ,you know we all are covered in scars and scars are healed wounds we all have them and time heal them .

She said while entering in my room and she also set beside me and put her head on mom lap .

Mom :you will , you know when i was 12 your grandma was rarely home because she is a cop and have duty and it hurt me because everyone spend their most time with their parents but i can't . One day i didn't eat anything and didn't talk to anyone ,i just was crying holding my teddy then your great grandma hold me and hug me until i didn't let everything out and then she told me rather then crying over that time you don't have ,try to make memories in the time you have and when the time come that memories will make you laugh .

Mia : i just want to say goodbye to her ,and that i love her and i am sorry .
I said while crying

Mom: i think she already know, honey.
Rebecca : ofcourse you were her favourite.
Mia : will she ever forgave me ?

Mom: give your grandma sometime honey .

Rebecca: harry told me you guys win .

Mia : yep we did .

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