chapter 4

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" My love will protect me or burn me"

Again this werid dream
I am in that same pathway , bt this time something is different .
I had seen this dream million time bt never ever i have this felling and as i took a step towards the cottage this time , there no mist and that werid voice ,does this mean i can go futher or i can go inside the cottage and find out about that voice .
As i marched towards the cottage i see a figure in the dark , as i walk closer to that figure i see the back of a men at the door of cottage , it seems like he is waiting for someone bt whom .

As i marched towards the cottage i see a figure in the dark , as i walk closer to that figure i see the back of a men at the door of cottage , it seems like he is waiting for someone bt whom

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Did i said back i mean to say sexy back and how does i know this is because he is shirtless .
My my never in my whole life have i had a urge to touch some random men back whom i doesn't know and doesn't even see the face .
And as i walk futher he sudden turns and the cottage is long forgotten all i want to know is him . I want to see his face bt due to pitch darkness i can't see anything thing at all . As i take a step further we can face to face we are so close that if i take a step we will kiss .

For the this time in the life the thought of kissing someone exite me ,My heart was beating at the speed of a metro and my body is giving up , all i just want to do is kiss him i lick my lips because they are dry i can fell he is staring at my lip...

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For the this time in the life the thought of kissing someone exite me ,
My heart was beating at the speed of a metro and my body is giving up , all i just want to do is kiss him i lick my lips because they are dry i can fell he is staring at my lips and for a moment i thought he is going to kiss me but he douch my lips and whispered in my ear .
Voice: i have waited years for u, someone must be fool or want to die, if they think they can take u away from me .

What he is saying i am confused

Mia : who ?

Voice : u will know and all you have to know now is that u are mine .

Mia : urs

And he sniffed my neck

Voice : mine , soon
I want to ask him questions i close my eye to control all the unholy idea that are coming in my mind right now bt then he kissed my neck fu*k
As his lip touch my neck i fell the spark and tingling in my whole body.
And when i open my eye i am in my room fu*k and i am wet nd horny double fu*k what was that , i have no idea .
Who is he , is he even real or he is just my imagination , is i am that desperate that i am imagining a boy .
Bt why does that feel like real .
And as i remember my dream i touch my neck the place where he kissed and i fell the same tingling in my core .
What is happening to me .
As i get frustrated because i am anable to sleep i get up nd open my window the moon is still there it's 5:00 clock in the morning and i asked
'are to u there '
'Are u waiting for me '
'do u love me '
'Are u even real '
'when am i going to meet ,u see, feel u' i whispered
' please give me answer i am tried '

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