chapter 8

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        "My soul is half until i meet u"

Rebecca : can i come inside .

Mia : ofcourse,helf yourself .

Rebecca : are u alright .

Mia : i wasn't the one who fell off from the stairs  .

Rebecca : i am fine .

Mia : good .

Rebecca : you got new flower preservation.

Mia : yep .

Rebecca : it looking beautiful.

Mia : hmm.

Rebecca : i am trying bella .

Mia : and me too.

Rebecca : i was just shocked that u guys was there because i don't think that they will tell u and i don't want to cause any   trouble.

Mia : doesn't matter because we are family and u know the rule .

Rebecca : yep be there for each other always doesn't matter how far u are .

Mia :🙂mom's  rule.

She took a pause .

Rebecca : i didn't want to tell u guys because i don't want to tell lie to u .

Mia : ..

Rebecca : i know u want to know what happen with them bt trust me more u know , more u get hurt , and u are not ready   for the truth .

Mia : will i ever be .

Rebecca : u have to move on when ever u re ready and i am always gone be their for u .

Mia : i can't move on sis , not without knowing that happened .

Rebecca : he is gone bella , she is gone and truth is  that , that we are alive and we have to live , i know u pretend to be ok bt i know deep down u have unhealed scare , u need to either try to heal or accept them.

Mia: it is easy to say then done .

Rebecca : u fight him bella u ,  are a fighter , u protect yourself  and what happen wasn't your fault .

Mia : he die in car accident didn't he .

I mocked her .

Rebecca :😔

Mia : it's okk ,i know that truth is .
Rebecca : plzz bella .

Mia : if you have to know the truth ,you have to tell the truth .

Rebecca : i hope i can .


Rebecca : bye , gud nyt  baby .

She kissed my fore head and as she is leaving , i said something that is buried deep inside my heart .

A truth that i never told anyone .

Mia : I didn't fight him sis ,

And she turn around and stay there at the doorway .

Mia: that night i try to fight him but he was too strong and i was weak due to accident . But when i thought that i am gonna die , someone came their , he protect me,  he saved me from my frend ( i mocked ) and then he hugs me and he stay with me   until  i lost my consciousness and i don't know what happen to him after that , or who was the man protected me

Rebecca : why did u tell us this before .

Mia : why does it matter was it was just a dream or illusion or hoax (i mocked )

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