chapter 10

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*Beep beep *
*Beep beep*
Aww i hate morning or morning hates me , i should wakeup or take a quick nape ,who can say no to a quick nap bye bye .

As i try to sleep someone throw me off the bed and i know who that person is .

Mia : jeremy , i will kill u .
Jeremy : wakie wakie , remember the bet .

Mia : i hate u .

Jeremy : i hate u more , get up before u got late for the interaction.

Mia : whatever i do doesn't matter , i am not gonna win ,u know it , he will never let me .

Jeremy : now that are u trying give your 100%.

Mia 🥺5min plz

Jeremy : no

I get up do my morning routine and get ready for the college.

Mia : gud morning guys.

Jeremy : what happen to your top .

Mia : what u mean .

Jeremy : a rat chew it .

Mia : mom .

Rebecca :🤣

Mia : its your top remember .

Rebecca : yes, wait why are u wearing my top .

Mia : because i can,and this is called fashion .

Jeremy : it called end of world .

Mom: jeremy , today is big day for her , Don't tease her .

Dad : gud morning honey .

Mom : ok now have a seat , let's eat breakfast.

Jeremy : she will get late .

Mia : no i will not .

Jeremy : i am not going to drop you .

Mia : i don't need your service today 😎.

Yes , i got late and jeremy is driving me college .

Mia : did i ever tell you ,u are best brother in whole world .

Jeremy : get your ass off my car , u are already late .

Mia : oh my god , bye .

Jeremy : bye , take care and if u don't win this i will never gonna ever drive u to college.

Mia : bye 🤪.

As i rush inside because i am already late and jeeya told me they already in the class and the interaction is about to start .
I bump into something of as i say someone's back .

Mia : sorry.

And i ran towards my lecture hall .
Plz save me today .

As i open the door , no one is there .I quickly scan the whole class room and there harry was waving at me .

Mia : hi guyz .
Harry : u are late .

Jeeya : we thought you are not gonna attend this .

Mia : i am just attending .

Lizzie : we will see .

Harry : Mr MIKELSON is also late ,lucky is on your side today .

Mia : why .

Jeeya : he never gets late , he is always on time , he is very punctual.

Mia : doesn't look like that .

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