Caught bread- handed

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Take the risk or lose the chance.

"Come on , come on .The cook will notice that she didn't order a dozen stale bread Jasmine"

"You mean Jared " smirked Jack earning a glare from Jasmine.

"You all should scram before Mrs C and my ma knows her employees and daughter are missing ... Lord knows Emily and Edwin can only keep them occupied for so long . "

"You'll be dandy, kid . Just remember you ought to find Hetty Feather - the redhead ,you've met her right ? . She'll be sure to help ya she went on her own search finding her birth mother , I'll tell ya that story another time .Now go on scurry along. "

Jack and Agnus waved Jasmine off careful not to be seen by anyone who could tell Mrs Calendar on their whereabouts.

"Women up Jasmine you'll be fine" is what her mother always told her but the thought of her mother made Jasmine's heart ache a little . But she had to find out about her father. News paper clippings weren't enough .

Gripping tightening onto the wicker basket carrying the leftovers of the Calendars breakfast ahe marched her way towards the backdoor of the kitchen . Head down like the pavement belonged in an art gallery .

Bang . Bang . Bang

Although Jasmine's intention was to knock softly the door clearly had a mind of its own .

"Oi you " Jasmine gasped almost dropping the basket

See not. Say not. Right ?

She'd just pretend like she didn't hear them .

Maybe they were calling after a run away foundling .Apparently that was a common sight .

Or maybe it was -

"Oi bread boy "

"Should have chosen to be a fisherman's delivery boy . Maybe the smell would have kept them away "Jasmine whispered aloud .

Finally Jasmine turned facing a few familiar faces . But did that settle her flaming cheeks . Nope. Agnes and the gang had clearly instructed her to only communicate with Hetty Feather . This was a two man job.

"Whats your feet like ? "


"We need an extra player ,fancy a game of footie before your next round "

"No,my master'll have my guts for garters if I don't uh deliver this bread " . Quick thinking was a work in progress for Jasmine

"I'm sure the bread will keep"

"Boys i think we got a chicken among us"

Cue the awful squawking noises

"Got two left feet have ya"

Maybe just maybe she should just reveal herself. These were people she knew ,well briefly knew she said remembering the secret tower .

"I bet he plays like a girl " shouted a tall boy with dirty blonde hair .His name began with a V didn't it ? The one she first came across in the garden

Now that was a step out of line .

It was like all those memories of her being the only girl playing football with the village boys and sometimes a few of the nice soldiers were preparing her for this day .

Jasmine dropped the basket by her side and ran over striking the lone ball towards a makeshift goal post .

The boys looked astounded . Their smirks wiped clean off their faces .

"Right. Bread boys in my team" called out Mathias

Jasmine strided pridefully towards Mathias' group

Until a strong hand gripped her elbow.

Vincent's hand.

"You havn't got a sister by any chance. You look as familiar as a bad penny"

"Not that I know of . " Replied Jazz shaking free of his grip as her mind wandered off to Authur Brown rocking and cooing at a rosy cheeked blue eyed baby .

Somehow that mental image hurt .

"You really have to let her go . She's gone , mate " said judd softly

"And she was never your beau to begin with" seconded Mathias alot more harshly

Vincent's jaw tensed .

Who could they be talking about ?

"Your Indian princess has probably gotten herself an Indian prince instead of a lanky soldier ."

Soldier! That's the reason she was here . Surely a game of footie couldn't hurt.

"You don't suppose you'd know where I could Hetty Feather could you now"

They all stared at her .

"Hetty's got her heart something a little better than a bread boy I'm sure " said Gideon standing a little taller now.

" Enough talk about girls . Let's play already. " announced Mathias

"Had a fall out with Harriet then " asked Ned

Mathias shoved him . And with that the game of football began . If you could call it that . It looked like a group of hounds chasing its prey but even Jasmine managed to score a goal or two.

That is until Vincent decided to play defense.

Tackling and sliding and swerving. The game was brutal but Jazz was prepared to sacrifice a few grazed elbows and knees .

"Block him !!! " cried out the goal keeper .

Vincent raced towards her , his height towering a head above her barged into her , her cap landing a meter away , her hair a river of black covering eyes and the odd Bobby pin clattered onto the concrete.

The ball hit the net. No one noticed .

All eyes were on Jasmine.

2 chapters in one day :) please vote and comment and follow if you like . Thank you for reading .Please excuse any grammar errors.

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