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The sun never sets on the British Empire - Alexander Cambell

Mama always made sure there was clothes on my back and food in my belly just like every other village child. But unlike the neighbourhood children there were not generations living under the same roof many bringing an income in. I know mama never fails to give me her undivided attention even when sowing dresses together or after a long journey to and from the city she headed straight into the kitchen to prepare dinner ( she drilled into my brain i was forbidden from cooking without her supervision).Sometimes just for a moment if mama wasn't the only breadwinner I wonder how life would have been as a daughter born into the average marriage .Whether I was the offspring of a humble farmer for a father and a respected tailor for a mother . I'd grow up in a home with enough wealth left over to buy a set of sparkly bangles if that years harvest was particularly good . I may have been the daughter of an esteemed lieutenant and a lady from an equally respected background they'd send me to a boarding school over seas like the many english children sent to the Indian boarding school in the city where mother often tries to sell her handmade dresses and trinkets. As a young child when the world was truly my oyster I could not be bribed by a set of
sparkly bangles or a new frock for every family outing because nothing could compare to making friends with the wildlife ; learning to climb trees ; shoot arrows and be proud of having beautiful cursive handwriting. All taught by mama in our little grass thatched house and endless stretches of nature ,of course. But what use is learning to fend for oneself when one struggles to provide for oneself ?

Jazz ♡

"Jaaaz !" Called Kathani " You'll catch a cold running around in the rain . Come inside"

Jasmine always aspiring to be an obedient child flounced into the room almost crashing into her mother who raised an eye brow whilst picking up one of her daughters long braids dampened with rain and now as shiny as a ravens wing.

And on cue Jazz returned one of her mothers "seriously?!" looks with a winning smile, the same one she used to ease the blow when forgetting to do her homework at the village school . She already knew she had inherited her father's charm without her mother telling her .

"Right , Jasmine. " announced Kathani affectionately cupping her daughters cheek "you're a smart girl - anyone can tell so I'm sure you are quite aware of our financial situation. We can no longer live by foraging the grounds and my dress making money only stretches so far and I will certainly not hear of you working at your age . "

"What are you suggesting mama ?" Jazz knew her mother had already formulated one of her fool proof plans .

"Well" her mother began with a deep breath

Jasmine watched curiously as,Kathani hopped onto a stool and reached into the grass thatched roof pulling out a packaged wrapped tightly in banana leaves and string .

"Well I've expected this day to come for a while now and decided that before its too late we will clasp our future by the reign" Kathani said with a little forced enthusiasm .

And with that she placed the package in her daughters palm .

Jasmine even through the layers of banana leaves and garment scraps could feel the weight of coins and a rustle of paper .

And after a moment or two of peeling back layers she stared at the content inside.

A handful of coins - her mothers rainy day money.

And 2 tickets . Tickets to board a ship on course to England.

Thanks for reading :)
Please excuse any grammar mistakes
The chapters with Hetty and the foundling hospital as well as some more familiar faces from the series will begin in the next few chapters so save the book if your interested :)

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