The things we deserve

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Of course you would have no interest in politics . Because you have no interest in changing a world that suits you so well " Enola Holmes

"So to summarise Matron who was meant to take each child under her wing exploited and profited from each of you for her own benefit . And she was completely spiteful and vile for absolutely no reason . And the tench , I have a mind to burn that place down . " Fumed Jazmine being carefu notl to raise her voice .

"That sums it up " said Gideon crouching down behind a desk with the others .

They were all huddled in Mr Cranborne's office their ears pressed against a vent and were catching strings of conversation from the adults who were in matrons old office .

On the journey to the offices Hetty had recounted the lives of the foundlings with such gruesome yet fabulous details that Jasmins couldn't help but prompt her for more details .

"You keep a diary as well than " Jazz whispered to Hetty .

"More like scraps of paper binded with string . I had a darling little velvet notebook which I've filled to the brim - a present from Ms Sarah Smith - basically my fairy god mother ."

Jazz made a mental note to save up for a new journal for Hetty to write in .

"And Ida , your mother ... " began Jasmine in awe of Hetty's story of her mother finding her again

"Shhh I heard your name Jasmine ..." whisper shouted Judd almost knocking down a vase earning a glare from the boys .

She pressed her ear against the vent . Her ears pricked like a fox at the sound of her mothers voice .

"Oh lord how could I forget Jazz like that . She still treats England like the Indian backwaters and that can't be the case when that vile women's on the loose "Kathani exclaimed , you could hear her heels clicking towards the door .

"On the loose " gulped Harriet

"Quick ! Sit on the bench outside the office and pretend your reading this " called vince tossing her a book he grabbed from theshelf : Sherlock Holmes - how fitting

"Good thinking " said Hetty ushering the rest of the foundlings out through an open window.

"Gather some more clues from  your mother . But make it subtle " said Ned as he clambered out the window.

With the speed of lightning Jazz sat down on the bench looking immersed in the book looking every bit graceful as her mother opened the door .

"Ahh Jasmine that book kept you company then ? Glad you didn't run off anywhere."

"No mama"

"I think its high time we retreat home than ladies " sighed Mrs Calendar already linking arms with Kathani .

"I think your right " replied Kathani holding her hand out for her daughter.


Jasmine's diary

So much to write . And my hand can't catch up . Beyond the walls of Calendar Hall and its bright white paint , England or our little corner of it seems to be encrusted in mystery , cold hearted and rough . But dare I say there's a hint of adventure. Take Hetty and her fiery red hair for example . She's completely nonchalant to what the world seems to think of her. An orphan destined for nothing. But through the mere time I spent with her and the foundlings her stories seemed to errode with the face of destiny . I think her stories will make it on a shelf next to Sherlock Holmes one day . But one day is not good enough.

The things we deserve.

The things the foundlings deserve . A family , love and freedom from the shackles of a good for nothing but scrubbing status in society.

The things Emily deserves. She should be applauded for wanting to become a doctor and care for those who need it . She should be respected for persevering with her studies because she knows that she is more than capable than looking pretty and being polite .

And the things I deserve... What is it I deserve ? What is it i am destined for ?

Jazz ♡

Thanks for reading . Currently in the midst of revision . But will try update as much as possible.

192 views ?! I know that isn't much compared to other books but I see it as a little achievement so thanks to everyone who clicked on this book .

Please excuse any grammar mistakes

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