We've Been Done Over.

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Tommys POV

I dropped Aurora back at our house before quickly dropping Grace back at her place. I pretty much got called every name under the sun by her but I wasn't listening. I was just worried about my girl, wanting to get back to her. I walk into our bedroom seeing Aurora laying on our bed, facing away from the door. I take my cap and jacket off, placing them on the desk before I walk over to the bed. I lift the covers and climb in beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist as I bring her back into me.

"You okay, beautiful?" I ask lowly, feeling her shrug. "Just didn't think he would do that to me. Maybe Grace but...should've expected it really." She says tiredly. "I didn't know he was going to do that. He told me he was all for Grace." I tell her.

She turns round in my arms, tangling her legs with mine. "I know. I thought the same but I was wrong." She sighs, playing with my tie as she smirks softly. "What's that smirk for?" I ask her curiously. "Just remembering the fun times we've had with this tie." She says.

I laugh remembering all the times I've tied her up with it, tying her to my headboard. "Yeah, and it won't be the last." I promise her as she smirks. "You better keep that promise, Thomas Shelby." She warns playfully and I smirk. "I will. You'd think I'd give up the opportunity to have you at my mercy again?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

"No, I know you. It's one of your favourite things to do to me." She says and I nod, agreeing with her. "One of many things I love doing to you." I say as she smiles. I run my hand down to her ribs where she hisses making furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Nothing." She dismisses quickly but I lift my shirt she's wearing up, seeing bruises spread across her ribs. "Did Kimber do this?" I ask her angrily, feeling anger for him even more. "When he pushed me onto the table." She tells me and my jaw clenches. "Fucking Kimber." I growl lowly. "I'm okay, Tommy. Been through worse before." She tells me.

"Doesn't make it better. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, baby." I tell her and she nods. "Yeah, you're telling me." She says, sighing softly. "I can't tell you how sorry I am."I say, feeling angry with myself. "Tommy, I don't blame you. I knew it would happen." She says.

"I put you in that situation. My own girl." I say in disbelief and she takes my face in her hands, placing her lips on mine. "It's not your fault. I promise. I wouldn't be here if it was. I love you, okay. Stop blaming yourself." She tells me firmly and I sigh. "I love you." I whisper, kissing her softly.


Next day.

Me and Polly walk inside the Garrison, Grace looks up as I enter. She glares at me before we walk into our private room and Polly sits down at the table while I hover against the wall, staring down at Aurora, the guilt still at boiling point. She sits beside John, his hand clutched tightly in hers as she looks up at me and smiles softly. Arthur sat across from them and the three of them sit in silence.

"Alright John, there's only one man-" I cut myself off, waving my hand at Arthur who offers me a drink. "No. There's only one man guarding the house. What's troubling you?" I ask as John lets out a huff, and I see him squeeze Aurora's hand tighter. "Fuck me. Not so tight, John. This is my punching hand." She says pulling her hand away, flexing it to get the circulation back into it.

"Sorry." John says before the clears his throat taking the tooth pick from his mouth. "Polly, you know what it's been like since Martha died." His starts and the room falls silent. "God takes the best first." Polly speaks, her eyes soft. "Truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings around me. Running barefoot with the dogs until all hours." John murmurs, his voice nervous. "Pol, give him ten bob for some shoes. Is that it John?" I ask, my patience running out along with my temper. "Maybe if you stop opening your mouth and let him finish, he will." Polly spat, not even looking at me and Aurora frowns at her.

"Now what's your point?" Polly presses, her eyes darting from John to Aurora as I wait impatiently. "What the kids need is a mother. So, that's why I'm getting married." John tells us as we stare at him in shock and confusion. "Does this poor girl know you're going to marry her, or are you going to spring it on her all of a sudden?" Polly teases. "I already proposed and she said 'yes'." John informs. "I think there's a shell about to land and go bang." I blurt, my words muffled by the cigarette I place between my lips.

"Who is it, John?" Arthur asks him. "It's uh- it's Lizzie Stark." John says as Aurora rolls her eyes. "Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me." She mumbles lowly as me and her share a look of disbelief. "John! Lizzie Stark is a strong women and I'm sure she provides a fine service for her customers." Polly says as she tries not to smile.

Aurora and Arthur looks at each and snort, trying not to full on laugh. "I won't hear that word. Understood? Do not use that word." John snaps, leaning over the table to point at Polly. "What's that word, John?" I ask, the room going silent again. "You know what the word is." John mutters.

"Everybody bloody knows." Arthur mutters. "Everyone can go to hell." John snaps. "Whore. That word? Do you know any words for Lizzie, Ror?" I taunt. "Slag? How about that one? Jesus Christ." Aurora says shaking her head. "You said you'd stick by me." John says, looking at her. "Not with this I won't. Why'd you think I'd stick with you on wanting to marry Lizzie fucking Stark?" Aurora says, harshly.

"Men and their cocks never cease to amaze me. John, Lizzie Stark never did a days work vertical." Polly snaps and Aurora scoffs. "Understatement. It's the only work she knows how to do." She says making Arthur smirk at her. "She's changed, alright. People change. Like with religion." John argues, standing up. "Lizzie Stark has got religion, eh?" I ask. "No! No, she doesn't have religion. But she knows I'm struggling." John replies.

He then grabs onto my arm. "No listen Tommy. I won't do it without your blessing. But of all the people in the world, I want you to see it...as brave." He says. "Oh it's brave alright." Arthur interjects making Aurora smirk this time. "Brave is going where no man has gone before. And with Lizzie stark, John that's not really what you'll be doing." Polly laughs.

"Listen Tommy. Welcome her to the family. Because I just need someone to help me with the kids. I'm not asking for anything else." John pleads. "They don't need a whore for a mother." Aurora mutters as Polly nods in agreement. Suddenly, the door swings open and Finn and Jake run in, stopping beside Aurora as they pant. "Tommy, we've been done over!" Finn tells me.


Auroras POV

I let Polly and the boys sort out what happened while I kept Finn and Jake distracted as he asked me to play with him. I hold Jake on my hip and hold Finns hand as we walk the dull streets of Small Heath. "Can we play Tommy?" Finn asks me as Jake plays with my hair in his fingers. I scoff shaking my head. "Play what?" I ask him.

Jake jumps down from my arms and him and Finn me over to the garage where Tommy's car is and climbs in, over the drivers side door. "Look Ro-Ro, I'm Tommy!" Finn exclaims, grabbing the steering wheel as he picks up the Peaky hat left in the car. I stand laughing as I lean against the bonnet just watching the small boys.

"Where are you driving to, Boys?" I ask them as they smile, ready to answer me but gets cut off by Tommy's voice. "Finn? Jake? Stay exactly where you are." He instructs but it falls on deaf ears as Finn reaches for the steering wheel once more. "I was pretending I was you." Finn tells Tommy happily as I start to get worried.

"Which door did they open to get in, baby?" Tommy asks me. "The drivers side. Please tell there's not a-" I start but he nods, cutting me off. "Yeah, there is." He says as he walks around the car. "I want you to climb out the exactly the same way you climbed in, okay?" He says to Jake and Finn who pushes the door open and runs out, towards me.

Tommy wastes no time in picking up the grenade and firing it before yelling clear. I shield Finn and Jake, turning them around so my back faces the explosion as Tommy runs over to us and covers us. I feel the shock of the explosion underneath my feet as Finn holds onto me scared. "I'm sorry Ro-Ro. I didn't know." Finn says to me. "I know you didn't, sweetie. It's okay. You're okay." I say, holding the boys close to me as I look at Tommy.

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