10. Peanut butter and bananas

Start from the beginning

I quickly walk into the kitchen. "Woah don't any of you guys know what pants and shirts are?"

"Sorry Sam we kinda forgot you were here." Louis said putting on a fake smile.

"Everybody keeps saying that. Like come on I'm the only girl in this house it's kinda hard to forget. Long hair and boobs." I say gesturing to them. "It's kinda hard not to notice." I say having a fake tantrum.

"I noticed." I hear Niall mumble to himself, as I look over to him I now notice that he too is shirtless. Man does he look good the way his stomach moves when he breathes and when his muscles tense up while he takes a drink of his water.

"Well don't worry Sam I remembered you were here that's why I didn't wear tighty-whiteys or even nothing at all." Harry said smiling widely cutting me off from my staring.

"Thanks Harry I'm glad you did my eyes would have probably burned if I saw anything less than what I am now," I say jokingly "or from any of you." I smirk.

"What are you talking about look at these muscles!" Niall says as he stands with all the other boys and they all flex.

Quickly I pull out my phone and snap a picture of all of them. The look of shock written across all their faces as I laugh at the photo.

"Now this is going up on my wall." I say as I put my phone back I'm my pyjama pocket and grab my banana off the counter where I put it down. I take a bite and then put dip my spoon into the peanut butter then in my mouth.

"Sam! What are you doing!" Liam calls.

"Relax Liam I'm just having a butternana." I say shrugging my shoulders as I dip the spoon into the jar again.

"Ok but you can't just put the spoon back into the jar your gonna put germs everywhere." He says.

"Well I can't dip the banana into the peanut butter then it breaks and you get banana all in the peanut butter har." I reply back.

"That doesn't mean you have to keep eating it out of the jar like that."

"There's got to be a way to do it so you can have both without getting other people mad." I say to myself not even listening to Liam any more.

"Now were going to have to get a new jar." Liam sighs.

"Maybe you could use a different spoon every time... No that will make too many to wash."

"Why are you even eating peanut butter out of the jar?" Liam questions but I'm still off in my world.

"Or you could just use the same one but wash it after each spoon full... No still too much washing I really don't like to do dishes."

"You could have just eaten the banana, or had a peanut butter sandwich." Liam is still talking.

"Or I could get plastic spoons and get a new one after each spoonful... No that's a waste of plastic and I'm trying to stay environmentally friendly."

"She's not even listening to me is she?" Liam questions the other four boys.

"Just stop trying mate she's off in her own world." Louis says patting Liam's shoulder.

"I've got it! I've just made the discovery boys! I'm going to do something no one has ever done before I'm going to put a banana and peanut butter together to make a milkshake!" I say as I look through the cupboards until I find the blender and put in the peanut butter and banana before adding milk and mixing it up.

As I pour it into a cup I look up at the boys "I'll call it a peanut butter and banana milkshake!" I say proudly.

"I hate to break it to you Sam but I'm pretty sure someone has already made one before." Zayn says looking up from his phone.

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