"It's rumored that if you keep seeing her, you could be kicked out of the pack. I'm not about to let that happen to my little sister."

"No offense Topaz, but I'd rather become a rogue that stop seeing my mate."

My sister growled at me. "You don't get it do you? Luna poses a threat to not only you, but to our family too."

"She barely knows how to defend herself against an attack." I snapped back.

"But her sister will teach her how to. You may win her heart in the future for a while, but once she's fully trained she could turn her back on you without you noticing."

"I know how to take care of myself. You don't have to treat me like a kid anymore like how the Elders do."

"Maybe I have to. You think you know everything, but you don't Sapphire. I just don't want you to get hurt."

I was going to say something back at my sister, but I found it pointless. Usually, whenever I get into arguments, I always end up losing. I just turned around and started making my way home. I heard my sister sigh from behind me, then she started walking close behind. Neither one of us spoke again that night.

Luna's POV

"Luna, are you sure you'll be good enough to go to school today?"

I laughed at how stupid my sister's question was. "Jen, what's the point of asking me that now when we're already in the school's parking lot?"

"I can always turn back around and take you home."

"I'll be fine, and if not, I'll just get Griffin to carry me around everywhere I go." I teased and looked back at my little brother. He was sitting the back seat with his arms crossed, staring at me with a "I'm going to kill you" kind of look. He then groaned and walked out of the car. My sister and I both laughed. It was always fun to tease Griffin.

We stopped giggling, and then Jen asked me one last time, "Are you sure you'll be alright."

"I'll be fine." I smiled at her.

"Alright, but how will you be getting home tonight? I'll be working overnight, and I won't be back until tomorrow morning."

"I'll get a ride from a friend." I shrugged.

"Which friend?" My sister questioned, and looked at me with a suspicious look.

I tried to come up with a good excuse, and in the middle of my thoughts we heard a knock on one of the car windows. I looked over my shoulder and saw that it was Tina. I sighed, and turned back to my sister. "I'll get a ride from Tina." I said in a low voice. In fact, that was the last thing I wanted to happen.

"Okay. Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Jen kissed my cheek.

I got out of the car and waved goodbye as Jen drove away.

"Thanks for answering my texts last night." Tina said from behind me.

"I don't want to talk to you." I said and walked passed her.

"Why? It's not because of what I did yesterday, is it? I was just trying to have some fun." She followed behind me.

"Tina, this isn't the first time you've tried to seduce me. Frankly, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of your attempts. I told you you'll never be more than a friend to me, and if you can't understand that, then maybe we can't be friends anymore."

I saw some kind of emotion register in her eyes. I hope I made my point clear once I told her this, but knowing Tina, she'd probably try to make another move again.

I Could Be Your Hero (GirlxGirl) [Lesbian Story]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя