02: The Meeting

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Heyyoo this is your author MichYin. We already reach 200 views and more well that's really make me so happy well Let's finish the pleasantries and get straight into the story

We can see the trio watching a red women wearing a mask

"Where I have seen corruption boil and bubble till it o'er-run the stew... Laws for all faults, but faults so countenanced, that the strong statutes stand like the forfeits in a barber's shop, as much in mock as mark." Said women while Kallen watching it seriously, Otto like always simping for our dear Kallen, while our main character is thinking about what he's going to eat when he gets home. But not for long the red women unsheated her sword... "Haste still pays haste, pay and leisure answers leisure... Like doth quit like, and measure still for measure!"

A/N: (I don't know what sword she use The sword is thin, long and pointed so because I don't know I just use "Sword")

"We do condemn the corrupt knave to the very block where innocents stoop stoop'd to death, and with like haste." Said the women and pointed her "Sword" towards Kallen "And therefore think them as the serpent's eggs which, hatched, would as their kind grow mischievous... and slit the throat of hated corruption in its shell.*

After the women done a speech a group of guards came shouting

“GUARDS! arrest this heretic for slander!” Then they dropped the woman on the floor and the woman said to them

“The people will learn of the truth! You cannot deceive us forever!” Said the red haired women while shouting

Kallen after seeing this, she fell silent and spoke in her heart. ”why is the church doing this? I must find a way to save her!” Then she found the mask that the red hair women was using. then she took the mask and ran away from his two friends and put on a robe while climbing a building and shouting from above “STOP, YOU RABID ENFORCERS OF VILE TYRANTS.”

Suddenly the guards were shocked to see the woman screaming, they shouted. “Who the hell is that?”

Kallen suddenly jumped from a height and landed right next to the red-haired woman and made the guars who was restraining the red-haired woman startled and moved away from them a little

“GUARDS! ARREST THIS VILE KNAVE!” Said the other guard. “Time to make good our escape!” Said Kallen and ran away carrying the raid haired women in the style of a knight and princess.

“STOP HER.” said the guards very annoyed. “I’m so sorry! none of you saw anything!” Said kallen while the crowd just cheering for the mysterious girl for saving the red haired girl

meanwhile with Otto and Goku

We can see both boys just look towards their friends antics with a resigned expression with a forced smile

“Well I’m going after her, so when we get back I hope you’ve prepared food for me because I’m very starve right now. I beg you, okay? I’ll replace your money next month.” Said Goku pleading to Otto with puppy eyes, while Otto just give him a sigh “Well I already knew that you won’t think about the show, but instead you think about what you’re going to eat when you get home. fine, but only one portion, more than that you pay yourself.” said Otto while putting a serious face

“YOSHAAAA Otto, you’re the best friend of martial artist like myself could fine.” Said Goku who got very excited while just herring his friend buy him a food and then pat Otto shoulder. “Well gotta go see you soon!” Said Goku and run following the scent that left behind by Kallen

After running for a while the red haired girl then speek. “hey… you can put me down now.” Said the red haired women which made Kallen stop running while looking behind her

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