01: Indulgence

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Hey there Fellow Reader hope you have a good day I can't believe in just one day I already got 81 views its just wow I though that it will take a longer time for this book founded by you guys. I appreciate it all of you who read this book so with out further ado let's go dive to the story

Those who didn't take part in that crusade must pay a fair share of "indulgences" to redeem their sinful souls.

Think well and think hard about what you ought to defend, key wielder.

"Goku...." said kallen while push him and talk to him. "don't you think that the sales of these indulgences is unjust?"

"we should think about it, Kallen. for now let's just go and get some food first i'm really starving also i know you hungry too so don't be shy don't worry its on me" said Goku With proud tone and face while Kallen stomach is rumbling and makes her embarrassed and hide her face in chibi mode

Scene change to a restaurant where we found our protagonist the jet black hair and kallen eating ohh also otto where he drink his tea while also trying to find how to run away from those two so he will not pay the bill. We can see kallen eat more on sweet stuff while goku on the other hand.... On the other hand we sees Goku eating more then Kallen you can see it with the empty bowl and plate beside him....

"Please sir, can I have more?" said kallen while looking towards the only one green cake that Goku save for last. but Goku just smile and gives Otto cake to Kallen

"Hey those where my cake you moron!!!" said otto whike glaring to Goku

"Well you didn't eat that cake so rather than wasting it, it be better just give it to Kallen." said Goku chuckle a bit while Otto just sigh and drink his tea again

"thank you so much, Goku. this is one of the most satisfying meals I had for a while." said kallen while stroking her body because she was satiated while our protagonist just nod his head and Otto goes to the to the cashier to pay for their food although with a heavy heart because his wallet is crying for help not to take lots of money due to the actions of black hole human beings who were good in martial defense

"I beg you, sir! just give me a few more days!" Goku and Kallen got shock because they hear a women screaming. Hearing that Goku then run dash to where the voice located leaving Kallen shouting his name and run following him while Otto who's came out from inside restaurant confuse because two of his friends is gone

"please, kind father, just give us a few more days!" said a women begging to a man while the women hugging her daughter dependly to her

"you have yet to acquire an indulgence to pardon the grievous sins of your husband the wounds inflicted by his sins cry out in vengeance, my dear we may take your daughter Sasha as proof of your penance. her labors at the church may bring you the salvation you need." said the man and grab the littke girls hand

"kyaa! mama! save me!" said the little girl beging her mom ti save her and the little girl mom act on her instinct and bite the man hands the man on the other hand was in pain and pull his hand from the women bite

"ohh you've done it." said the man while prepare to slap some sense on the women while the women didn't do anything and just gonna accept the consequenses. a few seconds passed but the slap did not appear as he looked up he was shocked to see a young man wearing orang martial arts clothes held the man hands and said

"you shouldn't done that to a women you know that? You should pick your own size not attacking a cleric of schicksal." said Goku holding the man hand for a moment after that he realese the man hand. as much he want to break the man hand he can't. "what are you trying to do here ehh Mr. priest?" said Goku become serious while we sees Kallen who's just arrived at the scene of the crime with out of breath. then she takes a breath and supports goku

"Goku's right... how dare you harm a woman and threaten to take away her child in public? you bring shame to the dutiful clergy of schicksal!" said Kallen now supporting goku and look to the man face to face

"a knight of the military orders? do you realize that we're being forced to compel our faithful flock to help pay for your defeat in the east? none of this would be happening if you crusaders had faith and won the war in asia." said the priest smirking and mocking both of them but the mocks are directed specificly to Kallen

"you vile cur! i'll." said kallen who's already at her limit and try to punch the man but before he do it goku grab her hand and just shakes his head kallen seeing this just grit her teath whike we can see otto arive at the commotion place and said to them

"what's happening, here? why is there a commotion here?" Said Otto ariving on the scene. The priest seeing more people arive if this commotion is continuing it will be bad for his reputation, he then just walk away from the women and said

"alright, woman. i'll give you 3 more days. blame not the church, but the faithless knights who failed us all." said the priest and walk away leaving the trio and the mother and her child

"milady, are you alright?" said Kallen and while holding his shoulders to raise the mother from the ground. "I'm sorry, church sister our shop is closed for today." said the women and get into the shop with her child while this scene makes doubting herself again and he also speak from the heart

the child shall not bear the iniquity of the father

"Why would the church go against the good book? and why did we allow that evil cleric to walk away?" said Kallen questioning herself

"exacting vigilante justice won't change anything, my dear kallen." said goku and caress her head that makes Kallen blush a bit

"Goku's right *whosoever shall smite thee on thy thent right cheek, turn to him the other also.*" said otto agree with goku. "let's not waste time here. time to watch a show." said Otto grab both of his friends hands

"you know I didn't like to watch a show right Otto?" said Goku while give a significant smile.

"you'll learn a lot from this shows Goku i'm promise use your brain sometimes okay not all things can be solved with muscle." said Otto mocking Goku while Goku just reply by giving a significant smile while a veins was visible on goku's forehead because hus mad at otto who makes fun of him a muscle without a brain

scene change town plaza

we can see a mysterious red haired woman

"oh, what may man within him hide, though angel on the outward side? a new scene begins! and the duke enters, disguised as before... how may likeness made in crimes, making practise on the times..." said the mysterious red haired girl

To be continue....

Hello there fellow reader did you enjoy the story? Hope you enjoy it because I... Don't know what to say. Well lets just forget about that this is Mr. MichYin and I see you in the next chapter CIAO

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