🌞Chapter 2🌻

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After graduating from high school, Mew Suppasit had enrolled in a culinary academy, then gone to train in France. Two years ago he opened Individu in a quiet neighborhood in Tokyo, a five minute walk from Katachi station. That much was written in his entry in restaurant guides.

The simple, vibrant, unpretentiously genuine flavor enchanted people's taste buds and the restaurant's reputation spread by word of mouth

Gulf had been hearing about this place for a long time.

And it was, after all, in Kunitachi.

Though the restaurant was in the heart of the French restaurant district, it had a reputation for the number of older rich women in its clientèle, so Gulf initially had no real interest in going. In fact, he had only come on a whim the first time. He had to go to Hachioji for business and on the way home he'd thought of Individu. Gulf was just in time for the end of lunch and had simply decided to give it a try.

"Can I start over?"

He waited a while for Mew to stop laughing, then the two sat down at a table in the back. Mew took off his white apron, or tablier, and hung it over the back of the chair beside him. He stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed them at the ankles.

Gulf coughed politely, then presented his card.

"A management consultant?"

Mew's smile disappeared immediately. Gulf saw that, but carried on with his introduction.

"Yes, I work for the A&6 Agency Gulf Kanawut."

Gulf stared intently at Mew's face as he...in turn, stared intently at Gulf's card.

He wasn't classically attractive, but he was manly and handsome. It almost seemed like he wore his heart on his sleeve since his face was so stern and honest. But there was also something pleasant, which became more obvious when he smiled.

"I mentioned this before, but we have plans to open a French restaurant in town next spring."

Gulf brought his breathing under control and put on his business face. "The concept is to allow a young French chef to make the best food he can. The restaurant's owner is also a French chef, but he won't be putting his name on it because he's so famous. I'm helping to get everything ready for the grand opening Would you be interested in working as the restaurant's head chef?"

Gulf took some documents out of his bag. "The new restaurant will be much bigger than this one. We would decide on the furnishings and tableware in consultation with you,h the owner will have very little input in general about these things. You would be free to do as you wished. Money would be no object."



Mew interrupted Gulf's presentation, his earlier humor gone from his face. He was frowning looking at Gulf sourly.

"I said no."

Mew crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned back in his chair, his frown growing deeper as he glared straight at Gulf.

Gulf faltered, but he couldn't give up now and ever hoped to succeed. He forced a smile..

"But we haven't yet discussed the restaurant's concept. You should hear my offer out before deciding."

"I'm proud of the work I do in my restaurant."

He wasn't yelling, but his voice was firm.

"I don't want someone else taking advantage of me in their restaurant."

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