Chapter 14 Potions By Pipp With A Map To The Unknown

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Ponies crowded out side Mane Melody wanting to be the first to try Pipp new treatment Pipp squealed with excitement "Jazz, I've got a great feeling about this, don't you?" she  asked "Ha! Yes! Definitely! Absolutely! It's gonna be a spectacle! I mean, spectacular!" said Jazz the doors swung open "I'm first!" said Sweets as they all crowed in "Ponies! Ponies! There's plenty of deluxe to go around! Right, Jazz?" said Pipp "Yes, of course! Everypony will get a treatment! If they want one! Totally optional! But... you'd have to be, uh, ready to miss out on the best beauty treatment ever!" said Jazz "That's more like it. Okay, let's break out that inkthistle and get this sparkle party started!" said Pipp the ponies cheered 

Sunny and Zipp investigated the map more closely for clues Zipp had her rad visor on scanning the paper she then spotted something  "Are you seeing this?" she asked Sunny "Yes! I-I mean, I think so. Wait, what do you see?" asked Sunny "A shimmer! Could this be a-a magical item? Look!" said Zipp putting her rad visor on Sunny "These things are amazing!" said Sunny "Well, yeah. But do you see it?" asked Zipp Sunny turned to the map "Kinda. Maybe. I don't know. I think if we're going to get to the bottom of this, we've gotta get out of here and get out there. Start asking some questions" said Sunny "Maybe you're right, Sunny. And I know exactly where to start" said Zipp "Yay! Field trip!" cried Sunny happily "Field research" said Zipp 

Back at Mane Melody many Ponies were gaging and coughing because of the smell  "Ah! I've never seen anything like this! Have you, bestie?" asked Posey to Windy as Jazz did Windy's hooves  "I actually can't see anything like this! It's too bright! My eyes!" said Windy "Oh, I've never smelled anything like this. I was lying when I said I've never seen anything like this. It's just bright. But this?  Ugh! This is something else!" said Posey she then saw Pipp approaching "Oh! Shh-shh-shh. Hi, Pipp!" she said "Hiya! Ooh! Haven't seen shines this bright since I made my own toothpaste!" said Pipp "Thanks, Pipp!" said Windy with a nervous chuckle "No prob, Windy! This is turning into Mane Melody's biggest success! What are we going to do with all of this success?!" Pipp asked herself out loud  "Yeah, the sweet... ugh... smell of success!" said Jazz she then turned on a small fan "Phew!" she said

 Zipp and Sunny flew in the Mare Stream "So, are you gonna tell me where we're going?" asked Sunny "To Bridlewood" said Zipp "What's there?" asked Sunny "The Breezie Night Market!" answered Zipp "You really think the Breezies can help us with this?" asked Sunny "Come on, Suns! There's a lot of old, mystical stuff there! Maybe they have like a map decoder or something! And if not, I'll buy you your favorite treat" said Zipp "Ooooh! Triple berry ice cream?!" said Sunny "Three scoops! Also, maybe they have some magical cure to make your hooves smell better" said Zipp "Hey!" said Sunny "Those things are ripe, buddy" said Zipp Sunny sighed "You're not wrong" she said "One more thing" Sunny added "What?" asked Zipp "Only Xavier get's to call me Suns" she said Zipp gave a nervous chuckle 

Back at Mane Melody the smell was getting worst  "This is great for business, Jazz..." said Jazz to herself trying to connives her self that this was worth it   "Oh! That's gonna look  wonderful!" Jazz said to Toot's  "Yes, yes, but I wanted to know... Uh, well, it's just that, uh... How do I say this? The odor – is that part of the package?" he asked her "Everything that goes into this treatment – from the raw ingredients to the experience of sitting in that chair to the beautiful shimmer and, yes, even the... odor – is a part of a special and one-of-a-kind hooficure. You'll be talking about this one for moons, I bet! Yup!" said Jazz ending with a nervous chuckle "Does she not smell it?" Toot's said in a hushed tone to Windy "I've been wondering that all day. My friends have to see this" said Windy back "This is fantastic! Tell your friends please! There's plenty of "Potions by Pipp" to go around!" said Pipp  

Sunny and Zipp walked thought the night market and walked up to one of the stalls  "We're trying to figure out how to read this map. Well, we think it's a map" Sunny asked the Breezie manning the stall The Breezie took a look but the start to smell the oder coming from Sunny's hooves and started to yelled in a high pitch gibberish "It's not a map?" asked Zipp The Breezie flew off with a high pitch scream "I think she's also saying you, uh, stink" said Zipp to Sunny Sunny gave a groan "Should we get that triple berry ice cream now?" she said 

"Jazz, are you seeing this?" asked Pipp Jazz Mane Melody was pack with ponies all taking pictures on the hooves on there phones "Yeah, I guess ponies really want to remember their time here" said Jazz  "We'll sell out of these treatments by the end of the week if this keeps up! We're hitting our stride!" said Pipp "Well, ponies did like our hooficures  before" said Jazz "I know, but not like this! The word of mouth is going to be incredible!" said Pipp Jazz gave a whimper and ran and opened a window she then saw Posey looking at her "A little fresh air never hurt anypony" she said "Puh-lease! You know what we all know. Whatever's in that shiny hoof cream is stinky to the extreme! Our snouts are falling off over here!" she said to Jazz "I don't know whether to agree or be offended! Wait. If you don't like the hooficure treatment, why are you all filming it with your phones?" asked Jazz "Oh, that's just the "Mane Smelody Challenge"" said Posey "The what now?" asked Jazz  "It's, like, the latest viral endurance test" said Poesy taking out her phone she show videos of ponies smell the oder from the hooficure "If you can get through it without your eyes watering from the smell, you tag a friend and they have to do it!" explained Posey "So, our newest hoof treatment is now a joke online?!" asked Jazz  "Yeah, but it's a really good one! Hey, show Jazz your phone" said Poesy to Toots  there were hundreds of videos and the number was rising "Oh, my. It's trending?!" said Jazz "Whatcha looking at, Jazz?" asked Pipp quick hide the phone with a gasp  "What are you gasping at? You look like you've seen a ghost" said Pipp "Yup, that's it! It was one of those... ghost hunting videos on YouHoof! I'm, uh... afraid! Ah! G-g-g-g-ghost!" said Jazz she then threw the phone out the open window "Ah, my phone!" said Toots chasing after it Pipp snickered "You're just like Hitch. What a scaredy cat" said Pipp 

"I guess nobreezie knows what this thing is. Should we get out of here?" asked Sunny  "Ugh. I hate leaving empty-hoofed." said Zipp "But not empty-stomached!" said Sunny licking her ice cream a Breezie by the name of Ruby Breezie called out to them  "Whoa! Hello!" said Sunny Ruby held out a heart shaped locket to Sunny "No, I think there's been a mistake. That's not mine." said Sunny but the Breeze chirped back at her "What is she saying? It seemed serious" sked Sunny "Wait. I think I can translate this with my new app" said Zipp taking out her phone recorded what the Breezie was saying "It has long been waiting for a special pony. A hopeful pony. I believe that you are the one" the app translated  "Me?" asked Sunny "That's kind of strange" said Zipp "But weirdly flattering! This is awesome! What a cool colour. And it looks old, too. Really old" she said "It's lovely. Thank you so much!" said Sunny "Remember. Nopony is alone who has friends. I bid you adieu" said the Breezie "That sound like something Xavier would say and Did that just happen? Or am I dreaming? What do you think she meant by "the one"?" asked Sunny "I have no idea. But it looks like mysteries are cropping up all over the place. We gotta start solving some of 'em" said Zipp "Okay! The clue hunt continues!" said Sunny "Back to the Brighthouse?" asked Zipp "I just have to investigate one quick thing first" said Sunny eating the rest of her ice cream Zipp laughed "What ice cream helps me think" said Sunny  

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