Chapter 2 Misty's Best, Most Authentic Self

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As Queen Haven led us though the Castle she turned to me "I heard from Pipp that you two broke up" she asked me "Yeah we did and thinking about it it was probably  for the best" I said "I was wondering way she called it off?" asked Haven "Well it was a number of thing Zipp was one of them Zipp's the future of Zephyr Heights so she wondered what would happen if she married me make her queen she didn't want to take that from Zipp plus she want's to forces on her singing and salon" I explained "How are you?" asked Haven "I'm fine I'm over it besides I still got Sunny" I said with that conversation done Haven started to show us different rooms "Here you'll find our giant springtime floral arrangements as well as our baby duck nursery. Oh, and our Zephyr "Bites" appetizers! Clever, huh? I didn't come up with that one. Cloudpuff did. What do you think, girls? I am devoted to making this the best Cutie Blossom Bash ever. Especially for your darling new friend Misty. Guards! Prepare for Misty's cutie mark debut! This is going to be one fun-packed, pony-filled social event!" said Haven we all cheered  "You're gonna be so great! This is fun!" said Izzy "Yay...?" questioned Misty "Come on, Misty! Whoo!" said Sunny dragging Misty away Pipp and Izzy then started to give Misty a new look colouring her hair different colours Sunny, Queen Haven and I watched it was like a fashion show With Sunny, Haven and I being the judges first the gave Misty a full orange head of hair Sunny nodded but Haven and I shook our heads next was green hair "As Rarity would say green what and awful colour" I said Haven agreed Sunny shrugged finally they gave her a gradient of two-tone purple and hot-pink, with noticeable tips of coral-orange we all nodded "Hmm... We could go a little brighter, don't you think, dear?" asked Haven "You're so right, Mom!" said Pipp as Haven left a Sunny and I saw Misty give a sad look "Hey?" asked Sunny Misty gave a startled whimper "Is something bothering you?" I asked  "Oh, uh, I'm just worried about what's going on back home. I-I mean, back at Opaline's!" said Misty "Oh, we understand" said Sunny "Luckily, we have more Cutie Blossom activities that focus entirely on you! That should get your mind off it! Help me with the baskets?" Pipp said we got up to help Cloudpuff flew over to Misty and rubbed his head on her cheek Misty then started to talk to him "Okay, so I was lying a little about what's bothering me. But it's sort of true. Opaline probably knows I'm gone and is already plotting her evil revenge against me" said Misty 
(Opalines Dark Castle) A loud yelled echoed though Opalines Castle "Gone! GONE! No, no, no... How is this possible?! The ultimate price must be paid! I can't believe she's missing! ...Gertrude! Where are you, Gertrude?! My favourite manebrush! She's so precious to me! I must find her!" yelled Opaline checking under her drawers and tables  she didn't even know Misty was gone Haven was showing us  some old videos of Zipp and Pipp when they were young "Mom! Mom! Look at me!" yelled the young Zipp "If I sing to the tree, Mom, will it grow faster?" asked the young Pipp "Oh, there's an idea! Let's try, shall we?" said the Haven in the video has Zipp jumped on her back "Awwww!" we all said "I remember your Cutie Blossom Bash like it was yesterday" said Haven "I just wanna pick them up and squeeze them! Aw!" said Izzy "We were so cute!" said Pipp "You still are" said Haven I looked down Sunny noticed "That's something I would have said if we were know" I whispered to Sunny she nodded and put a comfiting hoof around me  "What's up, Misty?" asked Izzy "Um, it's just that most ponies get their cutie marks when they're young. Because that's when the magic of their personality" started Misty "And their Luminessence!" said Izzy "Starts to shine. But, because of Opaline, I never got to shine until now. That means not only will I be in front of everypony, but..." started Misty the pegasus guards   open the big double doors to the great hall we saw the hall filled with little ponies "I'm gonna be the oldest pony here!" cried Misty "Alrighty, Zipp! Perimeter checked! The throne room looks airtight and safe from rain!" said Hitch  "That's great, Sheriff, but what about—" began Zipp until Pipp chirp in "The fact that the Blossom Bashers will have to trot outside to get from the palace to the stage, potentially ruining their perfect outfits in the puddles and downpour?!" said Pipp overdramatically "Yeah" said Zipp "We need rainboots! And umbrellas! And fast!" said Hitch running off "Misty! We didn't even know it was possible a pony your age could get a cutie mark for the first time. It's so cool!" said Seashell "Would you like to join us? Glory and Peach Fizz are here to celebrate my new cutie mark with me. Look!" said Seashell turning to her side to show her cutie mark which was you guessed it a seas shell  "It's awesome, Seashell!" said Misty "It is time!" yelled Zoom "Time? For what?" asked Misty "Don't worry! You can stick with me!" said Seashell " Welcome to the Cutie Blossom Bash Eve Dinner Soiree!" said Thunder they all sat at a long Table with Haven at the head "You got this!" Haven Whispered to Misty  "I am so honoured to have you all here in Zephyr Heights for our first Cutie Blossom Bash together! From Pegasi to unicorns to Earth ponies, every one of you has reached an important milestone in your journey to become your best, most authentic selves. It's time to go out and make your mark on Equestria! But first, please enjoy this incredibly fancy springtime feast!" she said Misty picked up one of the two forks in front of her "Pssst! That's the wrong fork!" whispered Seashell "Oops" said Misty she picked up the other fork and tried to use it on a carrot but isn't the carrot flew from the plate "Oh, no!" said Misty it then stuck to a young unicorn horn "I am so sorry!" said Misty as thunder tried to remove it from the unicorns horn "It's okay, darling! It happens" said Haven "Now, as per tradition, it's time to introduce yourselves to one another and tell us about your cutie mark. Misty, why don't you start?" she said time for shy awaked Misty to shine "What?! Oh! Um, me? Uh, yeah. I'll go first. So, um... My name is Misty. Misty Brightdawn. And, uh, my cutie mark is a butterfly" she said fast Seashell giggled "Um... that's it" she finished "My dear, you also have to tell everypony why you think it's a butterfly" said Haven "Oh! And, um, uh, because... um... uh... heh, because..." began Misty she then knock her fork off the table "Oh! Uh, I-I dropped my fork!" she said kneeling down to said in a hushed voice "This is so awkward! I have no public speaking skills! My only friend before this was a pile of junk named Madame Taffytail! Opaline was right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this world" she said "My name is Seashell, and my cutie mark is... a shell! Because I'm a pony who's as unique as every shell on the beach is!" said Seashell "Wonderful! That was lovely, dear!" said Haven the other ponies cheered "Yay, Seashell! That's awesome!" Misty gave a sigh 

(Opalines Dark Castle)Opaline yelled in frustration "First, those five little ponies thwart me and all my brilliant plans! And now, I can't even find my manebrush! And I swear something else is missing. Miss... Miss... Miss... Mis-ty! Yes! Where is that sad excuse for a pony? Still pouting in her room after our defeat, no doubt. How long has she been up there? A few hours? Days? That's odd. But I also don't care! Misty fails all the time! She'll be back down soon, begging me to give her a cutie mark like always" she gave a scoff "So silly, that girl. To believe I'd ever actually do that!" she laughed Trumpet fared "Aah! What?! What is it?! Are we under attack?!" asked Misty "No, Misty! It's your big day! The Cutie Blossom Bash! Yippee! Time to get ready! Aren't you buzzing?!" giggled Sunny "Buzzing... with nerves!" answered Misty "Flower corsages! Get your flower corsages! Hoofmade by me, Izzy, of course! Smells great! Like flowers!" said Izzy a rumble of thunder was heard "Don't worry, everypony!" said Hitch "There's no way we're letting it rain on this parade!" said Zipp as the run in with umibrler  hats and rain boots  "Wait, there's a parade?! Why didn't anypony tell me?! Um, I may be able to fashion a float quickly. But I will need a tube of glue, five thousand and fourteen gummy bunnies, and a—" began Izzy "No, it's just an expression! What she mean is they've got this festival of fun under cover!" I said pointing to the tents flaps the were above us  "We also have critter deputies on duty to make sure nopony slips. And trottie-talkies! Because... well, because trottie-talkies are cool!" said Hitch "We've taken every precautionary measure. So now, we wait" said Zipp "It'll be here any minute. Kenneth, you take charge! When it rains, you know what to do!" said Hitch Kenneth saluted "Well, at least I look pretty. Pretty terrified" said Misty looked at herself in a mirror putting a flower over her ear she also wore a neck tie with a butterfly and sash connoted with another flower over her shoulder "Wow, Misty!" said Izzy "Oh, my hoofness! Misty, you are the picture of spring! A vision in florals! An ode to the beauty of the butterfly!" said Pipp "You're gonna stick out! In a good way!" said Izzy "Here goes!" squealed Sunny all the ponies started to walk down the line of ponies showing off there cutie marks Misty got to the doorway and stopped she started to panic she then turned back to us  "Ah! I can't do this... It's all too much!" she said she then used her magic to close the door "What?" said Sunny "No!" said Izzy "Wait! I need to confess something!" said Misty "I knew it!" yelled Zipp "It's not about Opaline, Zipp. This is about me. The truth is... I... can't go out there!" said Misty "What? Is it the outfit? We can change it!" said Pipp "No, no! It's perfect! It's all perfect! But ever since I got here, I haven't felt comfortable. All these ponies and all this fuss over me" said Misty "Wait, you don't like that?" asked Pipp "Of course not Misty's always been shy" I said "His right and all this Cutie Blossom Bash stuff has made me feel so not me. I may be smiling, but this is what I really feel like" confessed Misty changing her expression "Oh, wow. Yeah, that... That looks unhappy" said Izzy "I don't wanna trot across that stage with all those eyes on me. I don't want the spotlight. I just wanna be Misty. But if I don't pretend, then everypony will know the truth about me. That I'm... shy" said Misty "Oh, Misty. We just wanted to celebrate your new cutie mark" I said "I know I should be proud of it, and I am. But I don't wanna do this. I've been so scared to tell you because you were all so excited. I'm sorry. I should've been honest. I've ruined everything!" said Misty Sunny and I shook our heads "Misty, you haven't ruined anything at all. We are the ones who should be sorry. We got so caught up in trying to make this moment special for you, we forgot to ask along the way if this is what you even wanted. That's what good friends would've done" said Sunny "Thank you for understanding. I'm still learning about friendship" said Misty "And so are we" said Izzy "Every day" said Pipp Zipp then whispered to me, Pipp and Sunny we turned back to her "Maybe we can celebrate in another way?" I said 

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