The Drive There (Part 4)

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Tennessee picked up all thier bags and set them in the back, except for his guitar, Dolly. Kentucky hoped in the drivers seat, West Virginia at in the passenger seat, and Tennessee and Virginia got in the back. The car pulled out of the driveway and on to the street. The gps started, they were on thier way.

"So, what song do y'all want first?" Tennessee asked.

" Too busy" stated Virginia.

"Country Roads by John Denver!" West Virginia shouted.

Tennessee chuckeled "Okay, lets get this show on the road, y'all!"

"Almost heaven, West Virginia" Virginia hated this song because West Virginia loved it so much and requested it ALL. THE. TIME. when Tennessee played. He'll just have to block it out so he can focus

" Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River" All the states in the car, but Kentucky had the Blue Ridge Mountains run through thier state. They all love them.. They also love rivers, for most of all thier childhoods were centered around wilderness ( more will be explained in later chapters).

" Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze"

(Tennessee finishes the song)

"I've decided we do Jolene next, no opposittion?" Tennessee barley left any time for thier response. "Good.". He began to play

(Pretend it is pitched to a deeper masculine voice ;)

Tennessee loved this song because it was by one of his most favorite person to ever live, Dolly Parton. He named his guitar after her even. She was born and raised in the Great Smoky Mountains, just like Tennessee was (More explaination in future chapter).

(The song ends)

"Ah, always gotta love Dolly" Tennessee sighed.

"Keep it down!" Virginia yelled, obviously annoyed.

Tennessee shot an offended look at Virginia, then brushed it off, "Are we there yet? Im getting bored" Tennessee said with a great sigh.

"Uh, kinda, we've got 45 more minutes left." West Virginia said with a bright smile.

Tennessee sighed again and layed back in his seat. "I'm so bored. What do y'all wanna talk about?"

West Virginia then said," How about the countries, what were they like?"

Tennessee smiled widely, remebering the fun he had earlier that day, "Intresting. One said the name 'Austin' was weird. He also had a funny accent"

"Wait till Texas hears about that" Virginia mumbled.

They all chuckled till West Virgina told Kentucky to exit off the interstate. They were all disracted again, which left Tennessee bored again. He the pulled out a pencil and an old worn out journal which looked decades old. Inside it were songs he had written. He began scribbling down his next country masterpice as the car took several turns. Before he knew it, they were at the mansion. He stared out at the window at thier huge backyard, getting memories of playing football with his siblings there. He is already planning his next play for when they hopefully play soon since they are all together right now. The car drives into the large garage, which is a few yards from the mansion. There were many cars there, so that means most if not all the siblings were there already. Kentucky pulls into a spot reserved for him. They all gather thier belongings to hop out the car and slam the doors shut. They begin walking out of the garage and towards the mansion.

"Im kind of Nervous to meet the countries" Virginia sighed.

"It's alright. They seemed fine when we met them" Kentucky smiled back.

They made thier way to the front door and slowly push it open. What was shown were multiple states were aruguing and having what they called 'chore races'. That is where they get assaigned alike chores and race to complete them.

Tennessee stepped forward. "Howdy y'all, long time no see!" He said with a bright smile. All the states looked up and said their version of hi, if it was 'ew, southeners','hey!', 'howdy', or just a simple 'hello', it still counted in their heart.

The four states that had just entered began to walk to the stairs, focusing on going to thier rooms. West Virginia began thinking 'What will the Original thirteen think of England? What will I think of England? What does he look like, i've heard stories from my brother, Virginia. I guess only time will tell.'

The four southern states made it the Southeastern wing of the mansion and walked to thier rooms, which weren't too far apart from eachothers. They went in and set thier stuff down and unpacked the few items they have brought. After, they all rushed to the living room to get instructions from Georgiaon (or whatever they be called) what to do.

*With Alfred, Austin, and the Countries*

Alfred was waiting with Austin with a bus that could fit all the countries going in it. Alfred was nervous about what the countries would think of his beloved children, while Austin didn't care what others thouht, as long as no one got hurt. He changed his ways from the past and is still dreaded with guilt about it. He thinks the southern states, which he was incharge of, would have the same guilt so they understood why people lashed out at them.

Countries began to arrive in groups (All the countries are coming but only a few will be mentioned, yikes, some will be sleeping in the bus I guess).

Alfred waited by the bus door to record all who entered while Austin Helped loaded lugage, still nervous around countries. He felt as it the countries eyes burning into him. He tried to ignore it but still felt it. Little did he know, an 'invisible man' named Canada was trying to hand him his bag, which was unsuccesslful, so Canada just put it in himself, sad that the newcomer couldn't even see him. (poor baby :c)

Everybody finally got on the bus after Alfred had checked off all who were coming, even Canada (way to go Alfred!). Austin started the bus and they began thier drive...

The bus ride there was very chatty, but everyone was scilenced then they pulled into a giant property. 'How could this be THAT nation's house?!' Seemed to be going through many of thier minds. Austin got on the bus intercom and anounced, like a pilot, that they have arrived. He went by the front door and the countries got out with thier bags. Austin then drove the bus to the garage where it will be parked for awhile. He walked back to the front where the countries were still gathering thier stuff. He noticed Florida was peeking through the window with an aligator in hand and a devious look on his face. Austin made eye contact with him and shot him a glare so cold it would make it snow in Miami. Florida then ran off to join the other states and to announce the nations had arrived.

Alfred gathered all the nations and was about to open the door when he heard loud screaming suddenly followed by gunshots. 'blanks' Alfred thought. He swung open the door and yelled.

"Attention!" His voiced echoed through out the house. Everybody froze and the nations were wondering how Alfred could be so serious. The states were saluting like how they would in the army. " I have invited guest and this is how you want to show yourselves to them?! I expected better from you all. Get yourselves together!" Alfred voice was louder than it was at meetings, which was shocking. "At ease, but expect your chores to be doubled" Many of the states had sad expressions, but the older ones learned how to train thier emotions, so they had the 'blank stare look'. Alfred cleared his throat and turned to the nations. "Sorry about that, lets continue"

Im sorry for the Cliffhanger! I am also so sorry for not updating in forever! I had just lost the motivation and found out im addicted to this fandom and app. Im trying to become healthier about it. Im christain so I need to be reading my bible more anyways (it was one of my new years resolutions:) Y'all have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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