Same Old Meeting ( Part 1)

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   The United States of America, also known as Alfred F. Jones, was hosting the world meeting in D.C. He had got up very early just to get everything prepared. His eyes were drooping with drowsiness as his body wanted to go back to bed. He got his clothes on and did his normal morning routine ( brush teeth, comb hair, etc). Once he stepped out of his bedroom door, he heard a loud shriek.

" Get that off of me!" a teenager screamed, as he was being coverd in a sweaty jacket by his sister.

" Not untill you give me back my dounut!" another one replied harshly, trying to make her brother suffer for taking her dounut.

America couldn't take this. He ignored them and went straight to the coffee maker. He put in the pod and pressed start. As the coffee was brewing a familar face walked in.

" Virginia, West Virginia, stop that" a man with gray eyes said in a thick southern accent. This was Alfred's brother, Austin, also known as Confederacy.

" But he took my dounut!" Virginia complained.

" Well I didn't see your name on it" West Virginia replied.

" Stop it! The dounut is gone now. I can get more later." Confederacy said, more than annoyed.

" Finee" Virginia sighed.

Confederacy walked to his brother, " Gooood mornin', Alfy" he said with a smirk. He knew America didn't like being called "Alfy".  " What do you want, Austin" America responded. " What? I can't say mornin' to my brother?" Confederacy snickered. America rolled his eyes and picked up his coffe as it stopped brewing. He picked up his brief case and headed for the door. " I'll be back soon, have a good day!" America said with his hero smile.

He got in his car, a black covertable BMW, and placed his coffe down. The hood was over the car beause it was a chilly morning. He took slow sips of it so he wont burn his tounge. After a few sips, he felt his usual hero energy. He checked the time. " It's 6:30, that is enough time if this starts as 8:00" he thought. The confrence room was a 5 minute drive, America couldv'e walked there if he wanted to, but who wants to do that so early in the morning! He pulled into the parking garage at 6:36 and parked his sleek car. He walked to the meeting room with his normal confidence in his step. He threw open the doors to the confrence room expecting to see someone because he is so used to being late, but he didn't. Huh, this feels odd he thought. He went to the podium in the center and set his breifcase down. He took a deep breath, then plastered a smile on his face with his eyebrows furrowing. " Let's do this!" He said outloud.

He got the projector working and layed out his papers on the podium. He pulled out his laptop and connected it to the projector. In the corner of the room he set up a small table with coffe and treats like muffins , cookies, dounuts, etc. He then heard a noise and turned around. England walked in and greeted America

" Looks like you finally got here early, you wanker ( or as he says 'WANKAUH')"

" Good morning to you too, Iggy" America replied with a bright smile. He knew england hated that name, but America hated being called wanker so it was fair.

England took a seat that had his nameplate and pulled out his breifcase. As england was shuffling papers, Germany walked in with his brother, Prussia.

" Guten Tag, America and England" Germany greeted them.

" Hey dude!" America replied

" Hello" England sighed.

" You should greet me cause i'm so awesome!" Prussia blared.

America smiled " Good Morning Prussia!"

England just rolled his eyes at the ever so awesome Prussia.

Germany placed his briefcase by his nameplate and went to the snack table. He grabbed himself some coffe and went back to his seat. Prussia was writing on his name plate " Awesome" by the name Prussia.

After 30 minutes, it was 7:45, and there were many countries in the room by then. France was eating a crossaint while England was yelling at him, Prussia was showing off how awesome he was, Germany was talking to Italy, who at the time, was crafting white flags. Canada was talking to his bear in the corner of the confrence room, Russia was bothering Luithuania, the Baltics were saying it was too warm in the confrence room, as it was 68F degrees. Japan was reading a book, and China was offering her medicne to everyone.

At 8:00, a silent alarm went off on America's watch, he clasped his hands together, " Okay everybody! Lets get this meeting started!" He was nervous, but couldn't show it because the hero is never nervous. America pulled up his slides on the projector and started presenting ( idk what topic tho). As soon as Alfred moved to the next slide, he got a phone call...


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