Invited ( Part 3)

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As America stood there, regretting his actions that led him there, Confederacy was trying to get these 2 little 'rascals', as he called them, in line.

"You'll never take me alive!" Kentucky screamed

Tennessee yelped," Your gonna scratch Dolly!" He whinned as he hugged his quitar which had the name 'Dolly' painted on it.

As this fued was going on, the countries werelost in thought.

" America, if your states are personified, does that mean you have 50 states?!" England exlaimed

" 51 actually" The gray eyed one said in between grunts from the struggle of wrestling Kentucky. "D.C. Is also personified"

"Wait, so my colonies! America, you didn't tell me?!" England yelled.

The other countries began questioning about thier colonies, too. Some just sat there not knwoing what to do.

"Well, I found them while I was roaming around the forest" America replied. " Austin found the southern ones though, which include thoes two*

"Who names thier kid Austin?" Prussia laughed.

" I don't want to talk about it. I'm Austin." Austin said when he finally got both boys by thier shirt collars " We're outa here. See y'all" Austin began to walk out the door, only to be stopped.

"Vait! If there are 51 personified locations, I would like to meet them" Germany suggested. Many countires began agreeing to that. Alfred facepalmed again.

"Fine, but let's get this over with quick. We will go there tommorrow. You all may stay in the hotel rooms I have booked you in. We will meet outside of the confrence hall at 9:30 am sharp. Bring your bags, we will be staying overnight at my mansion. Don't be late." Alfred pulled Alfred, who had the boys, out of the confrence room. The countries began talking again, deciding if they wanted to go or not.


Austin took the boys, who walked there from a town house they own there, in his car, so Alfred was alone again, at last. He decided to call the mansion to see if anyone was there. All the states live in their own state, but they can visit a townhouse, which is seperated by division, in D.C., or the mansion, which is located in Virginia. The phone rung and rung, till someone finally picked up. Alfred sighed in relief.

"Hello, Jones residence, this is Genna speaking, how may I help you?" A voice of a girl rang on the other side of the phone.

" Georgia! You have no idea how happy I am that you answered! I need you to call all your sibling and get them to the house. Then I need you all to clean the house. I'll also need you all to make some food." Alfred said in a rush.

"Woah, woah dad, calm down. So you want me to gather everyone, clean the house, AND make food! I can try but it won't be easy. Why are we doing this anyways?" Georgia questioned

"Uhhh, you'll see when I get there." Alfred responded then hung up. He then hurried home


America arrived at the townhouse to see Kentucky and Tennessee getting a stern talking to by South. He sighed. Today was a normal day turned wrong.

Once Austin stopped lecturing Kentucky and Tennessee, Alfred began to speak," Guys, get your stuff packed, I'll go tell the Virginias who are also here. We are going to the Mansion and I need you guys to get there early to help set things up. I called Georgia who was already there on vacation to contact your siblings.We will be there around lunch time, got it?"

Both of the boys saluted "Yes, sir" They said in unsion. Sometimes Austin is shocked they aren't twins, but Kentucky is older by 4 years, being founded in 1792 and Tennessee founded in 1796.

Alfred went and told the Virginias all about it.

"So thats where they went.." West Virginia pondered. "Why wasn't I Invited!?"

They began packing so Alfred went to his own room and gathered his necesities. The states already had thier own stuff at every house they have, so they just pack stuff like toothbrushes, electronics, chargers, etc.. He walked down stairs to see the states presnt in the "Southeastern townhouse" lined up with bags. He changes which town house he stays at monthly, and it was the Southeastern's turn. The only states there were Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Virginia. The rest were at thier own houses or/soon to be at the mansion.

"Attention!" Alfrd shouted.

At that moment, all the states there saluted. "Yessir!" They all repeated in unsion.

"At ease" Alfred said with a chuckle in his voice. He loves pulling that prank on them and seeing thier reactions. All the states looked annoyed by that. Alfred knew they all had milatary training and taught them to be ready when ever. This was a great practice for that skill, as he said. " You all will be leaving today to go to the Mansion in Virginia. Now Virginia, this means you have responsibilites to control your people there, NOT THE STATES, maybe the countries if they act up, but leave the states to the more responsible ones, a.k.a, me and Austin. Also, everyone, no other state knows that the countries are coming, but they know guest are, so don't tell them, I want to see thier faces." He said with all seriousness. "Do you understand?"

"Yessir!" They repeated again.

" You all may leave now. Kentucky is incharge of driving, West Virginia is incharge of maps (which is just simplifying the gps for Kentucky), Tennessee is incharge of music, and Virginia will be busy planning how to keep the people in her state at ease for when the countries arrive. You all are dissmissed." Alfred demanded. They all picked thier bags up, Kentucky grabbed the keys and they went out the front door. Alfred turned to Austin, "Get some good sleep. Tommorrow will be hectic"

Word count: 983

Hetalia meets the states!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat