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The playground friends you made
down by the block?
You promised to see them again
but its been empty

The teddy bear you got
for achieving that reward?
you dont care much about the certificate
But its all hung up on your walls

the roller coaster you were to scared to ride on?
you went on it anyway
and you wet on it too

the board games you played with your family?
Your dad always won the game
But that's because he was fooling around

crying in your room alone
because the childhood you wanted is gone
because someone took it away from you

the pain and struggles you went through
just to fit in with the other kids
just so you'd have a purpose

the failing grades
the foolish behaviour
the aching pain
of losing a family member

you've changed.

you've changed.
and you don't even know if it's for the better.

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