"I gave you another chance. After so many chances and you do this to me?!" He shouted acting as if you just tore out his heart and stabbed it. Seongnam watched from behind you confused.

"It was really nothing, I promise-"

"Don't try and mend what you did. I can't believe it. You've been doing this the whole time behind my back, haven't you. I didn't let you eat, drink or go out for a walk because I knew you would go to him but you still found a way. Ofcourse you did. You. I can't believe I gave you chances and chances and chances. Him. Him out of everyone. The man I hate the most, you decided to be with him over the man you were to marry." He said looking at you disgusted.

"What do you mean?" You asked, your breathing getting heavier as you tried to think about all of what he was saying. Whilst Seongnams ears perked, hearing how badly his brother was treating you.

"I'm not marrying you. I won't marry a slut nor let her be my queen. You can rot for all I care. Maybe become a kisaeng after all you are getting quite old." He said looking at you as if you were such a lowly class. You went quiet. "If I ever see you in the palace again-"

"You'll what?" Seongnam cut him off. Uiseong looked at the boy as if he was an after thought.

"Don't act so high and mighty. You've ruined everything for her." Uiseong said pushing the blame straight onto Seongnam. "Goodbye for good" Uiseong walked away, as if he had no care in the world. To which he really didn't, he couldn't care less about you.

You stood there, letting it all sink it. All the words Uiseong said.

"Y/n let's go back-" Seongnam tried to get you to head back to his quarters but you hit his arm. You looked at him angrily, with tears streaming down your cheeks. "Y/n-"

"You've ruined everything for me!" You shouted hitting his chest, over and over again. He just watched you, with every hit slowly chipping away at his heart. "I hate you!" You said after hitting him one final time before sliding down and holding onto yourself. You cried. It was all over for you. You're old. No man would ever marry you.

"Y/n-" he tried to comfort you but you just pushed him away.

"I hate you so much! I never want to see you again! Or this stupid palace!" You shouted at the boy. Grabbing him by his clothes in a threatening manner. You got up and walked away quickly. Leaving him as he watched you walk away, so shocked over what just came over you.

You stayed away from the palace for weeks. Ms Kim tried to keep you updated with all the news from the crown princes competition however you didn't want to hear a single word about it.

Hayun visited the house to check on you after hearing of the news from your father, Jihu would have probably visited too however being in China the trip meant it would take some time for her to get back.

Hayun walked into your room to see you at your desk and painting. You didn't seem sad but you also didn't seem happy. You just sat there putting all your concentration into your art.

"That's a beautiful peony" she said from over your shoulder.

"Are you pitying my terrible art due to the situation I'm in?" You asked her without looking.

"No...it's genuinely a good piece of art." She replied shocked over your reply. "How are you these days?"

"These days? I'm living my life as a woman who's lost everything and no one will marry."

"You're 18, you still have a few years to be married."

"But I'm not married yet, and time is getting shorter. I might as well just accept the truth. Maybe I should travel? Or move abroad?"

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