a SHOCKING appearance

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In a rundown apartment on a rundown street. Nolan Innovare was staying in his rundown apartment room. He is sitting on his one and only chair that he had that reeked of death as he stares at his very old tv that would remind anyone of the 90s. He stared at it as it showed him News 3 with his now messy hair and his unclean beard. His finger no longer has his wedding ring as after he was sent to prison, his wife filed for divorce. Because of that, he now had to pay child support for his baby child as well. So it made it much worse when after he left prison, he was blacklisted so now it was near impossible for him to get any job for any mechanical company. So to say he hit rock bottom would be underestimated, he basically crashed through rock bottom. In Nolan's hand was a paper but not just any paper, an eviction notice from his landlord as he was a week past payment. So at this point, his life was near over. So he was sitting down in his chair as he watched the news, seeing that if by any miracle something would show up and save him. Lucky for him, he happened to be on News 3 which was the channel that Will Harangue resided on.

Will: now heroes. Heroes are an important part of our society, especially those who have self sacrifice and courage to protect the Japanese people. So in this day and age society, there is no place for vigilantism.

He said with a scorn voice. Nolan nodded his head as he listened to Will's words as he did agree with him.

Nolan: You can say that again.

He whispers to himself in a grumbly voice as he remembers that day. Where his inventions went rouge and (y/n) stopped it. Then giving the machine back for evidence. Which led to his arrest which ruined his life.

Will: since all they do is cause more damage and harm to the people that say that they're "saving".

He said as his finger made a quotation mark when he said saving.

Will: ruining the lives of the people and bringing more trouble for the real heroes of this world.

He said through the screen, which made Nolan start to clinch his fist with the eviction notice in his hand as he remembered how (y/n) ruined his.

Nolan: Yeah, they definitely ruin lives.

He said, with his voice slightly getting higher and angry.

Will: the same thing could be said. For the alien menace that people called a "hero".

He said as Will then pulls up a video of the city attack of Mystoctopus. Where he was throwing cars into buildings and destroying parts of the streets. Which angered Nolan even more, seeing this so-called "hero" stopping the machine thinking he was a hero. But then weeks later he goes and destroys a city.

Will: this right here, is proof alone that this alien "hero" is nothing more than a menace. A threat to our society. Putting lives in danger while making it harder for heroes to do their jobs of saving others. Someone that plays heroes and thinks he is one, when in reality all he does is nothing but bring destruction wherever he goes!

He said as he was getting his point across. Which he did successfully as Nolan was agreeing with everything with what Will was saying. He should know, he was a victim of the alien menace's actions.

Will: as he leaves his victims in the dust with their now ruined lives!

He screamed through the Tv, and as he did. Nolan quickly stood up from his seat as his electricity quirk started to activate in response to his growing anger towards the alien menace, the person who ruined his perfect life while thinking they were being a hero when he was destroying his machine that was meant to help people.

Nolan: Yes he does!

He screamed at the top of his lungs as his electricity quirk started to produce lighting everywhere like someone opened a bottle of lighting out of its cage. His electricity rampage through his entire apartment destroying everything in his room except for the Tv. Walls were burnt and furniture, or whatever he had was now destroyed. Once Nolan let out his rage, he quickly started to catch his breath after his outburst as he never used his quirk with that amount of power as he never trained it since he never wanted to be a hero. As he started to catch his breath, Will continued on with his ranting.

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