Chapter Thirty Three

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Amelia's POV

The next morning, I was back in school on my way to the third class for the morning. English. Hopefully I'll get to meet the two new group members.

"Take your seats" the teacher said. That's odd, this isn't Miss William's voice "I'm your new English teacher, Mrs. Brown"

No wonder, I looked up and scanned her. She wore trousers, a brown suit and had brown hair, hazel eyes. Like here name, Mrs. Brown. She walked around the classroom asking for our names randomly and settled down in her seat once she had finished going round

"I'm here as a substitute to you teacher Miss William. She had some pressing matters to attend to" the woman looked through a folder "I see she has already given you all your groups, this should be easy. Sit accordingly now"

I and Oliver sat by the right corner and watched the other group cluster together. The woman looked at our group and gave a nod of disapproval

"Why are you just two?" She asked 

"Our two teammates aren't here yet" Oliver said

"This is no good. Hold on a second" she walked out of the class room but immediately came back "Class, behave. I'll be back soon" she left

Oliver looked at me with a face that said what can she do? I shrugged not caring what she'll do so long as she gets this group project of ours going. A few moments later I heard Mrs. Brown voice echo down the hallway

"Imagine if it's Mason or Patricia" Oliver laughed

"Don't jinx us" I silenced him. It wasn't even funny because he was right. The difference is that it wasn't Mason or Patricia. It was both.

What the hell even is this bad luck? Mason and Patricia walked in the hall watch Mrs. Brown yapp about them skipping class but that didn't matter. Mason looked at me and I looked away, it hurt to look in his eye. Oliver has told me everything. How Mason wanted my friends to ditch me and how he's made... Patricia his girlfriend. They were back together, I heard the rumors but I didn't believe them. Now I guess the rumors are true.

Mason and Patricia joined us in our group and the tension was terrible. Everyone didn't like how this was. Mrs. Brown looked around the class and tapped her foot looking critically at the groups.

"I'll switch something up. Each quad group, break down into pair. One boy and one girl" she announced and i looked at Oliver. Works for me "Now, I will randomly choose pages from different plays and number them" she walked to the board and wrote English Project week in bold capital letters "Each pair will pick a number, get the play, act it during showcase day and add any other original piece of literature to their project work. Don't forget to give your duo a name. Something intriguing"

This sounded fun, I love the idea and it made so much sense. Pretty cool and way much better than the old version of the play. Bonus! It's just me and Oliver. Mrs. Brown announced we all stand with our pairs.

"Each quad coke over and split yourselves into pairs before me" the first quad walked over and split into two. She asked their names and looked through the record "very well, you can proceed"

She did that to three other quads and let them pass successfully. The fourth quad came and she had an issue with them. They spit into two pairs as usual but that didn't satisfy her.

"Ken and Lilith, you two cannot pair together. Ken, you'll be with Amanda and Lilith with Kevin" she shuffled them "listen, I'm looking through your record. One person if not both in a pair has to be strong in literature and English. Ken and Lilith your record.... Is more STEM inclined while Amanda and Kevin are very much English and literature inclined, so I had to split you both up to be even"

Ohhh that's what happened. I watched the other quad go and waited our turn. She did the same thing she did to Ken and Lilith to three other groups and it was finally our turn. I, Oliver, Patricia and Mason walked over to her table and split ourselves. I and Oliver with Mason and his girlfriend. Lord save my heart.

She looked at the record and looked at up "oh my, Amelia you're unbelievable. You're simply everywhere. No inclination just a perfect 99+ in all fields. You could pair with anyone" she watched me pair with Oliver and smiled "now you.... Mason, you are more umm athletically inclined while Patricia you're.... Inclined elsewhere. Not sure where butttt" she thought hard for a moment where Patricia was inclined but couldn't think of anything "just elsewhere. This pairing can't work. Oliver... you're above average but not quite up there either"

She looked at the four of us tapping the pen to her chin as she thought of what to do about us. Surely since Oliver isn't up there either I can still pair with him, right?

I was wrong

"Amelia to the athletic guy, Oliver to the girl elsewhere" she announced, j should be angry but God this is funny! The girl elsewhere! I almost laughed out loud but stopped when I realized, if the girl elsewhere is with Oliver that means I'm with.... Mason??? No

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but since Oliver isn't quite there yet either, can't I pair with him instead?"

"Is there a problem Amelia?" She raised her eyebrows and my blood froze

"Uhh... No Mrs. Brown" I dropped the matter. I'll try my luck later when school is over

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Love, Lies, and Loyalty: A Teens' Love TriangleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon