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Where's gojo, you maybe wondering? Well, let's go back a week from current times back to day one.

Gojo was wondering the deadly city when he found a store full of sweets Gojo didnt really take the currnet situation serious beacause one he was mentally drianed, searching nonstop for geto took a toll on him, and two he liked sweets. Gojo walked into the store, looking around for a while till he could acorss some sorta candy he had never seen before, and believe him he's seen them all. Gojo, beging curious and having the mentally of a 5 year old, ate the candy, and well, let's just say he took a little nap.

Gojo awoke to a strong curse, an aura engulfing him, snapibg awake and sitting up his head ached, and his body felt sorta numb. Gojo powerd threw the feel tho and pulled himself off the floor and too his feet."im..never eating foreign candy agian.." he muttered. Gojos curse energy felt weak he was gonna need a minute, and some water to pull himself back together he just hoped he had a minute.

Everyone in the city seemed to feel this curse aura blanket hit them and it was a few second paralyzing feeling, but the curses seemed to grow more powerful from it, they began to surround the bulidng yuji stood on. Inumaki, who was running to the building, looked up and noticed megumi flying away. Inumaki quickly detored from his current objective and ran as fast as he could in hopes of catching the younger. Inumaki notcied a body of water he was gonna fall in he took the jump, catching megumi and the two falling into the water. Inumaki began to swim up, but suddenly something grabbed his leg he looked down and saw a curse. His eyes widden he kicked at the curse till it let go and inumaki swam towards the surface quickly the curse follwed then another appeared grabbing inumkais other leg inumkai went to kick but the previous curse grabbed that leg. Inumakis eyes widden his oxygen depleting quickly, and megumi was gonna drown to. Inumkai pushed megumi  towards the surface, his head sticking out so he wouldn't drown. Inumaki began to squirm and rapidly move, but the curses held tighter and began to pull him down. Inumaki let megumi go the younger floating he lend down punching a curse it released him he kicked the other and swam up agian pushing megumi to land before he could put the younger on the grass he was rapidly dragged down agian this time 4 curse were there and he was rapidly beinging dragged down he couldn't get a proper intake of air on the surface etheir. Inumaki was scared he couldn't scream for help and the surface was getting further by the second suddenly all air was gone he gasped out and began to drown fear coursing his body as water began to fill his lungs and he began to black out he thought he was gonna die. Before everything went black, notcied 2, maybe 3 people dive into the water.

Inumaki woke up with a gasp and coughing, spitting water out someone petting his back. His arms gripped the person tightly as his heart beat fast."It's okay, calm down." He heard a voice say inumkai looked up seeing yuuta was the one holding him."Geez, you scared us when you blacked out." Another vocie said inumaki looked up seeing panda and maki."You okay?" Maki asked, crouching down in front of inumaki, who was subconsciously shaking. "Mhm." Inumaki hummed."Your shaking." Yuuta said inumaki glanced to him."It's okay, i mean, you were drowning. Anyone would be scared after that." Panda said inumkai shook his head, then looked around. Notcing megumi laying a few feet away.he pointed."Huh, oh, he's fine. He's awake actually hes just laying there and won't talk to us." Panda said. Inumaki coughed agian some water coming out, yuuta began patting his back agian."What do we do about the rageing itadori?" Maki said yuuta looked at her."That's itadori!?" Yuuta said, shooked."Yeah, i saw him he looks scary!" Panda said, shivering."Nothing.." Megumi fianlly spoke, sitting up."Nothing?" Maki questioned, turing to megumi, who was using his hand to slide his hair back and out of his face."he has every right to be mad." Megumi muttered, looking down."What are you talking about?." Maki said, annoyed."Kugisakis dead...geto's beginning controlled. He's probably also dead..." Megumi said the others' faces dropped."What?" Maki muttered maki ran over, grabbing him."shes not dead, your fucking lying!." Maki yelled her eyes watering."Megumi please say your lying!" Maki said tears began to stream down her face."i..wish i was...." Megumi said.

"ITADORI KUN!" Nanami yelled he stood on the edge of the bulidng he couldn't get closer due to the tentacle like curse waves thrashing around. Yuji sat in the middle of the budling holding getos body tears pouring out his eyes as he sobbed loudly like the kid he was at heart. Nanami began to stress he was about to step forward, but suddenly, a voice cut threw the air. "THATS RIGHT YUJI, BE MAD, BE RAGED,THIS IS HAPPENING BEACUSE OF SOCIETY, JUJUTSU TECH, THE PEOPLE ITS THE WORLDS FAULT." Kenjaku yelled, sitting across from nanami."DONT LISTEN TO HER, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SPOUTING ABOUT!" nanami yelled he had officially lost his cool."dont lie to him, THE PEOPLE ARE THE RESON CURSES EXCIST AND YOU KNOW IT, IF PEOPLE WEREN'T HERE THEN CURSES WOULDNT HE HERE ETHEIR" Kenjaku yelled she smirked as he watched yujis cursed energy grow. Nanamis eyes widden he sprinted towards Kenjaku."STOP SPOUTING BULLSHIT!" He yelled, swinging at Kenjaku, who didn't react she accepted the slash, which resulted in her torso being torn open. Her eyes rolled back, and her body fell off the building, hitting the concrete with a splat. Nanami stared at the body and then turned to yuji, who was slowly standing."itadori kun..." nanami called his eyes widden as the teen turned to him with a dranged and angry look in his eyes.

"Your fault.."

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